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Helen F
1 of 130  Mon 1st Feb 2021 3:05pm  

I've got my vaccine appointment! Happy Who knew we could be this excited about being poked by a sharp object!
News, Media and Current Affairs - Coronavirus - COVID-19
2 of 130  Mon 1st Feb 2021 5:38pm  

We had ours on Friday, Helen. I was surprised they included me as Roy had had letters as he is 75+ and I am 70+. But when they rang they said me as well, all done very efficiently and hardly felt the little prick! Good luck.
News, Media and Current Affairs - Coronavirus - COVID-19
Helen F
Thread starter
3 of 130  Mon 1st Feb 2021 5:58pm  

Thumbs up Glad to hear it Anne! I'm very surprised I'm this far up the queue but possibly it's because I'm a heap and Warrington has a relatively young population. I am certainly a high risk for reacting badly to the bug but low risk when it comes to being exposed. The cold I had 4 years ago gave me all the same symptoms as covid-19 minus the hospitalisation. I certainly think the authorities are eager to get vaccine in people faster than the EU can demand it off us. If they're having trouble getting some older groups done, it's better to give the capacity to the next batch. I'm booked for a big stadium venue, so maybe the older are getting done at their GPs? Dunno, I'm not looking the gift horse in the mouth.
News, Media and Current Affairs - Coronavirus - COVID-19
Helen F
Thread starter
4 of 130  Thu 4th Feb 2021 9:30am  

I'm done! Woopeee! It all felt very safe. It was at the local rugby stadium. My biggest worry was parking but even that was easy.
News, Media and Current Affairs - Coronavirus - COVID-19
New Milton
5 of 130  Thu 4th Feb 2021 8:19pm  

There is no doubt that receiving the vaccine is a relief. We both had our second dose on 6th Jan. I know that some folk are fearful of side effects and I can say that after the second dose I did have heavy flu symptoms but they passed within a few hours. My wife had swelling of the arm and aching which lasted a few days but what does that matter when one is protected against a potentially fatal illness that appears to have come from bats in China. I do have an urge to hang upside from the chandelier on occasions but the wife is stopping me. She is already up there and there is not room for two.
News, Media and Current Affairs - Coronavirus - COVID-19
Mick Strong
6 of 130  Thu 4th Feb 2021 8:58pm  

On the radio today, there was a discussion about the people who had managed to cheat the system and get an early Covid jab. One woman from Kent called Sheila (aged 69) was telling the story of her daughter (a school teacher) who, not knowing she had done any wrong (really?), had managed to get a first jab. Sheila said that as she knew what her daughter was going through, she did not mind her daughter having the jab before her. Apparently, this has been a common practice in the Manchester area. They must know who these people are and their ages, so are they going to be liable for prosecution?
Mick Strong

News, Media and Current Affairs - Coronavirus - COVID-19
Another Coventry kid
7 of 130  Thu 4th Feb 2021 9:50pm  

On 4th Feb 2021 8:58pm, Mick Strong said: ... They must know who these people are and their ages, so are they going to be liable for prosecution?
I doubt it. About once a week I go to a newsagents. It brasses me off that I seem to be the only person going in there wearing a mask. Nearly all men, the blatant culprits. Yesterday as I went in, a maskless man was coming out, and there was a woman without a mask inside. I mentioned the lack of masks to the shopkeeper, and the woman overheard my comment and piped up "I usually wear one but nobody else does so there's no point". Idiots. The police station is quite close but they're obviously not enforcing the law.
News, Media and Current Affairs - Coronavirus - COVID-19
Helen F
Thread starter
8 of 130  Fri 5th Feb 2021 1:41am  

I'm not entirely sure why I was so early. I didn't expect to get my first before March. I do know that some areas are getting through the age groups much quicker than others. I didn't jump a queue. They just rang me up and asked if I wanted the vaccine. I wasn't looking a gift horse in the mouth. It was very quick and the nurses were only swooping in for the last couple of minutes. Everything else was volunteers or clerical staff. Everyone was wearing masks and people seemed to have come in the right clothing to expose an arm quickly. The mass vax locations are bashing though the numbers. Apparently some people are getting a vax by hanging about venues at the end of the day - uses it rather than wastes it. Some are getting a heads up from medical mates. Some are volunteering for a day to get it. At the end of the day, numbers vaccinated are more important than the exact order. What there should be is a standby list of people who will pop over if there looks like there will be spare capacity. Not a drop should be wasted.
News, Media and Current Affairs - Coronavirus - COVID-19
Midland Red

9 of 130  Fri 5th Feb 2021 8:31am  

We've been called for our jabs tomorrow, and have a date in April for the second Thumbs up
News, Media and Current Affairs - Coronavirus - COVID-19
Mick Strong
10 of 130  Fri 5th Feb 2021 9:38am  

I have had a letter from the NHS say I am entitled to my first jab, and to book my appointment on line. The nearest centre they are offering me is in Birmingham 13.5 miles each way.
Mick Strong

News, Media and Current Affairs - Coronavirus - COVID-19
11 of 130  Fri 5th Feb 2021 9:47am  

Hi Mick, There was a contact phone number on my letter/email, where I was able to have my jab at my local surgery, which is what I did. I had mine on the snowy Sunday afternoon.
News, Media and Current Affairs - Coronavirus - COVID-19
Mick Strong
12 of 130  Fri 5th Feb 2021 9:50am  

Thanks Philip. I have already called my surgery and I'm slotted in for Monday morning at 9.26.
Mick Strong

News, Media and Current Affairs - Coronavirus - COVID-19
Helen F
Thread starter
13 of 130  Fri 5th Feb 2021 9:56am  

Funny how different each area is doing this. I got a phone call with an option of two days and any time still available. I didn't get a date for the second jab and they'll call again to organise jab 2. I chose first thing in the morning so that there would be fewer bugs circulating if anyone brought it with them. Yesterday there were no truly attributable symptoms, although I was very tired in the evening but that may have been due to the stress of the process. Today the injection site is sore and the upper arm achy. No redness or lump. Generally I feel precious but that may wear off as the morning progresses. My body knows that something happened to it.
News, Media and Current Affairs - Coronavirus - COVID-19
Mick Strong
14 of 130  Fri 5th Feb 2021 2:46pm  

Hi Helen I questioned why my surgery had not contacted me direct rather than receiving the NHS letter. After all, they have all of my personal details including my date of birth. No answer as yet!!
Mick Strong

News, Media and Current Affairs - Coronavirus - COVID-19
Helen F
Thread starter
15 of 130  Fri 5th Feb 2021 3:31pm  

In Warrington a number of regions have banded together to use the same service but not all of them. Some patients are going to their GP. Some are going to the St Helens stadium. The mass events are the most efficient use of staff. I'm not even sure who rang me. It could have been my GP practice. It could have been the NHS or it could have been a call centre arranged by the GP consortium. I would think it was my GP who designated who was in what group. Update on jab side effects. Was feeling quite fluish by lunchtime when I had two paracetamol and a nap. Worked a treat. Feeling much better, but expect another dip about dinner time. We'll see.
News, Media and Current Affairs - Coronavirus - COVID-19

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