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Well Street, Upper Well Street and Hill Cross

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31 of 68  Wed 9th Dec 2020 10:18am  

Whilst busy chasing down an ancestor who lived in Well Street in 1861, I came across this interesting document drafted 2019. I know nothing about this proposed development, whether it's been passed etc?? - another awful Lego block eyesore Angry as far as I can see, but pages 15-26 feature some interesting photos and maps!! Thumbs up OddSock
OddSock: Particularly interested in the family surnames Cowley, Shale, & Pratt in Coventry!

Streets and Roads - Well Street, Upper Well Street and Hill Cross
Rob Orland
Historic Coventry
32 of 68  Wed 9th Dec 2020 11:19am  

I don't actually mind the look of the building they're proposing, but they're plonking it right on top of the pleasant little green area that's currently there. Sad
Streets and Roads - Well Street, Upper Well Street and Hill Cross
33 of 68  Wed 9th Dec 2020 11:31am  

Yes at least it looks better than the rest of the Uni Lego blocks that have gone up. TBH that patch of land has sat idle for years. As per my post in the Burges thread the CoC grant money has tidied that up nicely - for once!
Streets and Roads - Well Street, Upper Well Street and Hill Cross
34 of 68  Mon 7th Feb 2022 9:22am  

(c) Coventry Archives. Not sure I've seen this one before. It’s listed as possibly Butcher Row but it’s a marvellously atmospheric image wherever it is!
Streets and Roads - Well Street, Upper Well Street and Hill Cross
Rob Orland
Historic Coventry
35 of 68  Mon 7th Feb 2022 10:06am  

It's a super picture, but I don't think it's Butcher Row. Apart from the buildings not looking right, it doesn't have the distinctive "valley" guttering down the centre of the street. My first thought was West Orchard, but I think it's too wide (and perhaps too busy?) for that. We need Helen's expertise here, I reckon..... maybe somewhere like Well Street?
Streets and Roads - Well Street, Upper Well Street and Hill Cross
Helen F
Thread starter
36 of 68  Mon 7th Feb 2022 10:06am  

It is a great photo Neil but it's Well Street south side. Nice to see the zoomable version Thumbs up
Streets and Roads - Well Street, Upper Well Street and Hill Cross
37 of 68  Mon 7th Feb 2022 10:09am  

Hi Rob, I was just about to make the same comment about the guttering up the middle. Also most pictures of Butcher Row have lots of goods in front of the shops. Is it by a school, there are a lot if children ?
Streets and Roads - Well Street, Upper Well Street and Hill Cross
Helen F
Thread starter
38 of 68  Mon 7th Feb 2022 10:25am  

Rob and Anne are both alert this morning Wave Each street had features that help quickly identify their location. Yes, Butcher Row had that distinctive gutter up the middle, probably because it needed more drainage than most streets. Ewww. I'm guessing that originally they were all drained in a similar way and only changed when the drains were improved, regular cobbles replaced river pebbles and pavements came in. The 3 storey building just right of centre with the lamp was the Pheasant Inn. See page one for a map.
Streets and Roads - Well Street, Upper Well Street and Hill Cross
39 of 68  Mon 7th Feb 2022 11:18am  

Great work, all, once again. I tended to think it wasn't Butcher Row but could not place it. Looks like more of a gradient in that one for Well Street although that spot today would be under the CET so the lie of the land has changed a lot since!
Streets and Roads - Well Street, Upper Well Street and Hill Cross
Helen F
Thread starter
40 of 68  Mon 7th Feb 2022 11:35am  

If you think that the remaining bit of wall and the round tower weren't far from the junction of Well Street and Upper Well Street you can see how much the road had to rise from the Grammar School. Most of the climb was at the west end, from where that photo was taken. I know the old city very well but get hopelessly confused by the modern version, to the point of fearing it.
Streets and Roads - Well Street, Upper Well Street and Hill Cross
41 of 68  Mon 7th Feb 2022 11:51am  

Thanks, Helen. On the topic, Rob and I are hoping to walk the city wall line in its entirety soon (well, what's left of it!) so will try to capture and add photo's of our 'lap' here soon.
Streets and Roads - Well Street, Upper Well Street and Hill Cross
Perth Western Australia
42 of 68  Tue 8th Feb 2022 3:54am  

I am looking forward to those photos Neil. Great photo above by the way. The cameraman captured all that activity of kids all at once. Double thumbs up
Streets and Roads - Well Street, Upper Well Street and Hill Cross
43 of 68  Tue 8th Feb 2022 10:01am  

Yes, Dreamtime, there is a lot of children. Looking at earlier posts on this topic, there was a Sunday School in Well Street so I would imagine it was something to do with that. They do look like they are in their Sunday best!
Streets and Roads - Well Street, Upper Well Street and Hill Cross
44 of 68  Mon 7th Mar 2022 11:29am  

Another great shot from Dean Nelson on FB. A great view of the old/last remaining properties and their final days on Well Street along with the then 'new' Gas Showrooms.
Streets and Roads - Well Street, Upper Well Street and Hill Cross
Midland Red

45 of 68  Mon 7th Mar 2022 11:39am  

That’s a wonderful image, Neil. Double thumbs up My nearest equivalent view, from 2016 Oh my
Streets and Roads - Well Street, Upper Well Street and Hill Cross

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