Helen F
106 of 122
Sat 26th Feb 2022 2:44pm
Excellent Neil. The views of Earl Street at the end are some of the few out there, plus it's possible to see the end of the left side and gather that the tall building on the right wasn't the end of the road. I did try to find the two Herbert versions of the end of Bayley Lane but the one I found wasn't very good and I couldn't locate the other. The search function....  A lot of the images it threw up had nothing to do with Bayley Lane.
Streets and Roads -
Bayley Lane
107 of 122
Thu 8th Dec 2022 3:35pm
My lovely friend (and distant relative!) Rosemary Jerrard (aka coventry49) sent this to me and asked me to add it on the forum. It's a photograph of a painting of Bayley Lane and the old cottage where her 3x great grandfather lived for over 40 years as the Bailiff of Coventry. It was painted in 1936 by a relative on her father's side. He was born in 1920 and only died a few years ago. He would have only been 16 when he painted it. He went to the old Art College near the Fire Station.

Streets and Roads -
Bayley Lane
Earlsdon Kid
Argyll & Bute, Scotland
108 of 122
Fri 9th Dec 2022 6:46pm
Neil, I have another painting of Bayley Lane from a slightly different perspective. It was painted by a friend's father, Sid Shelton, in the late 1960's. Pete and I often took photos around the city centre for his father to research the historical buildings from old maps etc., and then he painted the scene without the modern buildings.

I have included a shot of a painting from the opposite end of Bayley Lane for interest.

Streets and Roads -
Bayley Lane
Helen F
109 of 122
Fri 9th Dec 2022 9:08pm
Great pictures, but from my perspective, in the top picture there are three new buildings and a cut and shut.  The County Court, the Chapel and the one behind the timber building were 'new' and the fancy carved end of the timber building is salvage from the building that was next door.
Streets and Roads -
Bayley Lane
Earlsdon Kid
Argyll & Bute, Scotland
110 of 122
Fri 9th Dec 2022 9:32pm
I have a vague memory that they were intended to represent pre-WW2, about 1930! I don't know how that would fit in with the modern buildings, but I think the painter, Sid Shelton, was born before 1910 and that he was working in the electrical manufacturing industry during WW2 (probably at GEC).
Streets and Roads -
Bayley Lane
Helen F
111 of 122
Fri 9th Dec 2022 9:46pm
Those views work for the 1930s. 
For a view from 1819 you can see where the fancy woodwork came from. One of my favourite images. Of note, it refers to the building on the left as the buttery of the White Horse Inn, which suggests that the tall roof peeking over the front building was the inn. The roadway between that and the Hall entered into White Horse Yard, which is marked on the 1749 map but the actual inn could have referred to any one of a number of buildings. The buttery pins it down.
Streets and Roads -
Bayley Lane
Earlsdon Kid
Argyll & Bute, Scotland
112 of 122
Sat 10th Dec 2022 12:00am
Thanks, Helen, this is all fascinating insights into the paintings. Great! 
Streets and Roads -
Bayley Lane
113 of 122
Fri 3rd Mar 2023 4:34pm
Another lovely shot of Bayley Lane
Streets and Roads -
Bayley Lane
Helen F
114 of 122
Fri 3rd Mar 2023 6:50pm
This and a couple of others are back to front. I'll add some info later on this evening. 
Streets and Roads -
Bayley Lane
115 of 122
Tue 4th Jul 2023 4:03pm
This could go in a few topics. RAF, 1948.
Streets and Roads -
Bayley Lane
116 of 122
Thu 30th May 2024 9:41am
Always great to see that section west of the Golden Cross pre-war -
Streets and Roads -
Bayley Lane
Perth Western Australia
117 of 122
Mon 3rd Jun 2024 1:22pm
Neil, seeing your latest picture above I immediately thought 'if only those walls could talk'. 
Streets and Roads -
Bayley Lane
Helen F
118 of 122
Mon 3rd Jun 2024 4:47pm
Perth Western Australia
119 of 122
Tue 4th Jun 2024 6:41am
Helen, how come you always find the right words  for everything. You can take me out of Coventry but you can't take Coventry out of me. Have a nice day. 
Streets and Roads -
Bayley Lane
120 of 122
Fri 20th Sep 2024 10:32am
Adding here as at the time this image is listed as being from (1860) - Bayley Lane ran all the way up to the junction with Derby Lane. Cliff B found this one (apols if this is a recent ebay list Rob!) Terrific shot for me mainly because of the capture and detail of that section on the left. Fab clarity as well. It's an image by Francis Bedford apparently.

Streets and Roads -
Bayley Lane