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Stafford Mobile Pup Auto Scooter

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1 of 7  Tue 4th Apr 2017 11:43am  

I am restoring one of these and would like to learn of the origins. I know that Holley Bros carburettors (of USA) was bought by a Coventry engineer in 1918, but there is some confusion as to who the purchaser was. Some give the purchaser as Mr E Stafford, Waverley Rd, and others give Mr T G John of Holyhead Rd. I have an article from "Motor Cycle" dated Sept 1919 that shows "Mr E Stafford the inventor of the Mobile Pup" whilst another article in "Motor Cycle" dated Feb 1920 shows T G John as the maker. Any help will be appreciated.
Cars, Motorcycles and Motoring - Stafford Mobile Pup Auto Scooter
Midland Red

2 of 7  Tue 4th Apr 2017 11:52am  

This appears on the "Alvis" thread on the forum Thumbs up
On 5th Nov 2011 12:43pm, Alvisnick said: Before the Holyhead Road works (ex-Holley Carburettor Co) on the town side of the railway became 'Alvis', it was called 'T.G. John Ltd'. They built Hillman engines under license and installed them in lighting sets for country houses under the brand name of 'Electra' and also a motor scooter known as the 'Stafford Pup'. Not many made. Always looking for snippets, anecdotes, pictures and references to do with Alvis & their early days, a pic of the Holyhead Road works with the Holley name on it eludes me.
Cars, Motorcycles and Motoring - Stafford Mobile Pup Auto Scooter
3 of 7  Tue 4th Apr 2017 1:09pm  

This advert from the Leeds Mercury March 1920 courtesy of the British newspaper archive says it is "Stafford's Mobile Pup"
Cars, Motorcycles and Motoring - Stafford Mobile Pup Auto Scooter
4 of 7  Tue 4th Apr 2017 1:14pm  

Grace's guide says it was designed by T G John and built by Stafford Auto Scooters of Coventry.
Cars, Motorcycles and Motoring - Stafford Mobile Pup Auto Scooter
Sutton Coldfield
5 of 7  Tue 4th Apr 2017 1:24pm  

The Mobile Pup looked like great fun. However, on closer inspection it seems that they were unstable as the 142cc engine was mounted on one side of the front wheel and the whole thing was very flimsy. And they were £47 10s each which seems a lot for those days. I'm sure you could have bought a decent motor cycle for that. One thing I did notice is that the engine was made by TG John Ltd, and that Stafford were based in Waverley Road, Coventry.
Cars, Motorcycles and Motoring - Stafford Mobile Pup Auto Scooter
6 of 7  Tue 4th Apr 2017 3:19pm  

A couple of snippets. In 1914 T C Copson trading as Holley Bros & Co was applying for a patent for hollow metal floats. This cutting from an article from the Coventry Standard 1939 on the history of Alvis refers to the Holley factory as being built but never occupied for the first world war.
Cars, Motorcycles and Motoring - Stafford Mobile Pup Auto Scooter
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7 of 7  Wed 5th Apr 2017 11:36am  

I am beginning to suspect that Mr E Stafford was the "inventor" and designer of the Mobile Pup and that he made these machines in his factory on Waverley Rd, with perhaps Mt T G John (Mr Alvis) supplying the engines. All references in the Alvis writings appear to show that Mr John made the whole scooter, but there appear to be no factory records whatsoever or other information in the Alvis records, perhaps Alvis history is a little skewed.


Cars, Motorcycles and Motoring - Stafford Mobile Pup Auto Scooter

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