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Gray's Motorcycles

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Old Lincolnian
16 of 23  Thu 23rd Feb 2017 11:07am  

The mechanic at one garage I used to use up north always said "That's not a fault, it's a feature" Smile
Cars, Motorcycles and Motoring - Gray's Motorcycles
17 of 23  Thu 23rd Feb 2017 12:54pm  

I once knew a mechanic, who always used to say "Let it develop".
Cars, Motorcycles and Motoring - Gray's Motorcycles
18 of 23  Thu 23rd Feb 2017 2:56pm  

Yes TEKMELF I also believe that the Dragonfly was shaft driven. Very similar I suppose to that green machine the Sunbeam. Never had either bikes myself.
Cars, Motorcycles and Motoring - Gray's Motorcycles
perth w.a.
19 of 23  Sat 25th Feb 2017 12:00pm  

I sold my last bike to Bennetts a while before moving to Aus. many years ago. A slightly "cranked up" 350 MAC Velo, got 4 quid for it with an inlet valve embedded in the piston! Got a bit more for my Wolseley 6/90 -a tenner! An ex-Yorkshire police car 4 speed floor shift between the drivers door & seat + electric o/drive on 2, 3 & 4, got it up to 115 once, a bit scarey
john dearsley

Cars, Motorcycles and Motoring - Gray's Motorcycles
Neil Perdell
Thread starter
20 of 23  Sun 26th Feb 2017 8:20pm  

It reminds me of Ray Bennett's motor bike shop in Spon End. Over the years, I and my associates invariably got the same answer from the big bloke who ran the shop: "I'd like a clutch cable for a Bantam D7 please". "Ordinary standard one'll do you mate!" Lol I worked at Albany Motorcycle Spares in the mid 60's and the stock control was almost non-existent which meant that if you wanted a cable for a bike other than a popular Triumph or BSA it was pot luck that you got the right one! Invariably, it wasn't the right one so the customer would bring it back with the original and we would make one up for him. No-one complained in those days, they just thought you were a great bloke for fixing them up with what they needed. Roll eyes

Cars, Motorcycles and Motoring - Gray's Motorcycles
Another Coventry kid
21 of 23  Mon 27th Feb 2017 8:59am  

Hi Neil You probably served me on at least one occasion then. As you say, no-one ever complained. You were just glad to have something that would do the job, even if it meat a bit of extra work. Can you imagine what would happen now if Albanys were still in business. "I'd like a clutch cable for a 1997 ZX6R please." "Have you got your passport, sir? You'll need to bring that in first so that we're satisfied you're not an illegal immigrant or escaped convict giving us a false name. And you'll need two utility bills no more than 3 months old as proof of address. Plus the registration document for the vehicle of course. And have you done the statutory risk assessment and safe system of work? It's straightforward - just go onto And you'll need to complete a waiver declaration, stating that you are competent/qualified to carry out the work yourself, and absolve Albany Motor Cycle Spares of any liability. It's not on the government website, but your solicitor will have the necessary form/s." Ad nauseam... Angry
Cars, Motorcycles and Motoring - Gray's Motorcycles
22 of 23  Mon 27th Feb 2017 12:25pm  

On 12th Feb 2017 10:22pm, Neil Perdell said: Does anyone have any photos of the Grays premises in Walsgrave Road or Foleshill Road. I believe both buildings are still there but in different uses. The Foleshill Rd depot was just past the Lockhurst Lane turn after Courtaulds and the Walsgrave Rd depot was right on the top of Ball Hill. I worked as a mechanic in the Foleshill Rd depot for a few years in the mid 60's and spent many a happy time tearing up the road at excessive speed on high powered motorcycles. I sometimes wonder how I managed to stay alive!
Would you remember Dave Cooke who worked at Grays at that time??
After the game, the King and the Pawn go into the same box.

Cars, Motorcycles and Motoring - Gray's Motorcycles
Neil Perdell
Thread starter
23 of 23  Mon 27th Feb 2017 10:56pm  

Hello Celeretcertus, No, afraid not. I've got to the age where I barely remember my name, let alone someone else's Blush

Cars, Motorcycles and Motoring - Gray's Motorcycles

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