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Exhall Colliery football team

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David H
1 of 1  Sun 28th Sep 2014 7:27pm  

I have just been reading the excellent forum topic on the Coventry side "The Bantams (aka The Old Five)" and noted with interest the mention of the Exhall Colliery football team. As a child my playground was the Heckley playing fields at Exhall, and I understand that from the early years of the 20th century or earlier one of the pitches there was that of Exhall Colliery, complete with grandstand. I used to play in the "granny" as we called it, although by then the colliery was long gone, as was the team. I have traced one or two results from the team dating to the early 1920's, but have no real information on the team or players other than that and the information in the Bantams thread. I would therefore love to receive any information on this team. What would also be of great interest to me, and hopefully to others would be any information on the football ground itself, such as when the grandstand was built and when the colliery took over the pitch. The houses on Hayes Lane and Coventry Road bordering the pitch would have been built in the late teens or very early 1920's, so what was there before that? I know the Heckley was, but how did it look? So many questions about the team, the grandstand the ground and the Heckley, but I would love to know a little more about them. Just one more question - my brother when a boy in the late 1940's / early 1950's distinctly remembers hearing shouting from the side lines of the pitch--"come on the Amber and Blacks!" Who were they?
Sport, Music and Leisure - Exhall Colliery football team

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