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Strange Coventry Tales

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1 of 3  Wed 19th Sep 2012 8:03pm  

I often hear from people living in Coventry, snippets of what they have heard about Coventry's past. Sometimes these are documented and you can find out more online. But there are a few that is not documented or the story passed down. Two of these are here for you to look into or remember yourself. First we have the case of the buried treasure and the Pirate. This story was from a lady living in Coventry for, let's say 70 yrs +. The story goes that a pirate was buried with his treasure in a churchyard in the Wyken area of Coventry. I know the name of the church, but don't want to give it out as I don't want people going there with spades, alike to find the loot. There is no record of this nor any reference to it on the net. Any takers? The second is of a scrap man hitting the jackpot. This story starts with an end of an era for Alvis on the Holyhead Road. The scrap metal person that won the contract to clear the site recovered a complete working tank, and under the floor in the pits, found a number of V12 engines. As well as all the scrap from the factory, made this man very rich. These may be stories, or fact. You decide. Thumbs up Mod's note: This has been copied into the 'St Mary Magdalene' thread, and subsequent posts relating to the first part of this have been moved there as well Thumbs up
Always looking forward to looking at the past.

Memories and Nostalgia - Strange Coventry Tales
2 of 3  Thu 20th Sep 2012 8:06am  

Interesting topic. For those who worked at Rolls Royce, Parkside, many will remember stories of vintage aero engines being buried under the canteen floor. After the factory closed a working party was set up to investigate. Being the endoscopy man at Ansty I got involved one Friday afternoon. Lots of holes were drilled to enable me to look into, but nothing ever showed up. I don't think anything was found when the site was eventually demolished.
Memories and Nostalgia - Strange Coventry Tales
Kaga simpson
Peacehaven, East Sussex
3 of 3  Sun 28th May 2017 10:36am  

Strange tales, in Coventry. Men employed as works firemen, then told to ignore part of the works if there was a fire. Guy steals a new car off firm's car park, then takes it back to same firm for repairs. Drunken guy dives off new bridge being built, into canal, and lands in the wooden pylon foundations and drowns. Tank built to climb any type of ground, topples down the clod banks. Man asks wife to sell his brand new car, wife sells it for a pittance, for spite. Man about to break into property, tries to outrun marathon trained policeman.
Memories and Nostalgia - Strange Coventry Tales

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