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Thu 7th May 2015 9:46am

The view from my window about 5am this morning.
Non-Coventry -
The view from my window
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2 of 106
Thu 7th May 2015 4:42pm
It was just a snapshot on my recently purchased Panasonic TZ 60 compact at the fullest extent of its 30x zoom - so equivalent to around 720mm on 35mm. Camera was set to 'P' and ISO800 but adjusted the EV to -2 to compensate for the bright moon against a dark surround. According to the EXIF data the exposure was 1/1000 sec at f6.7. The Panasonic has a 18-megapixel sensor which allowed me to crop it to around 1/3 of its original image. The camera was hand-held and looking through the double-glazed window. I learned a valuable lesson from a 12 year old beginner in photography a couple of months ago. It was that no matter what problems are suggested by photograpic theory, just press the button to see what you get. It costs nothing to try.
Non-Coventry -
The view from my window
Old Chapelfields
3 of 106
Mon 20th Jul 2015 2:45pm
The view from my window after my net curtains fell down is much better of No.2 Mount Street, Chapelfields where George Rice, watchmaker & jeweller, lived and worked.

Triumph - 'The Best Motorcycle in the World'.
Non-Coventry -
The view from my window
4 of 106
Tue 18th Aug 2015 11:19am
Had some lovely visitors this morning. First a Great Spotted Woodpecker and then a charm of Goldfinch (up to about 14 of them all together)

Non-Coventry -
The view from my window
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5 of 106
Tue 18th Aug 2015 6:14pm
Not strictly the view from my window but this is a view of our dining room and through the window to the gardens.

And no, the lights are not on all the time. It is just my way of showing life does exist here even if I can't show pics of residents.
Non-Coventry -
The view from my window
Thread starter
6 of 106
Tue 25th Aug 2015 12:09pm
Look who popped his head out of the bushes this morning.
Non-Coventry -
The view from my window
7 of 106
Sat 29th Aug 2015 8:20pm

8.00pm looks like a nice day tomorrow....
Non-Coventry -
The view from my window
8 of 106
Mon 31st Aug 2015 10:04am
Very wet morning but we had a surprise visitor less than 10ft from kitchen window
Non-Coventry -
The view from my window
9 of 106
Mon 31st Aug 2015 3:34pm
It is a Sparrowhawk. It has visited on hunting trips a few times but not for a few months. This photo is from last August.

Non-Coventry -
The view from my window
10 of 106
Sun 20th Sep 2015 3:59pm
We had up to 14 birds in this Charm of Goldfinches today. Think there are 11 on this photograph
Non-Coventry -
The view from my window
David H
11 of 106
Sun 20th Sep 2015 8:45pm
Not quite visible from my window but I spotted this stunning dragonfly in my garden on Friday.
Non-Coventry -
The view from my window
12 of 106
Fri 16th Oct 2015 2:06pm
By my count there were 18 Goldfinches and one sparrow this morning
Non-Coventry -
The view from my window
13 of 106
Sun 25th Oct 2015 11:57am
A Siskin came to visit yesterday. They are similar to a Greenfinch but have a white underbelly streaked with black and a black crown.

Non-Coventry -
The view from my window
Midland Red
14 of 106
Sat 2nd Jan 2016 11:51am
On 16th Oct 2015 2:06pm, Derrickarthur said:
By my count there were 18 Goldfinches and one sparrow this morning
Can't compete with that, but this morning we had nine goldfinch at one time, the most we've seen - here's a snatched photo of seven of them!

As usual, there was a pair of collared doves sweeping up underneath!
Non-Coventry -
The view from my window
Midland Red
15 of 106
Tue 26th Jan 2016 12:30pm
Our sunrise, 08.04 today
Non-Coventry -
The view from my window