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1082 posts:

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271 of 1082  Sun 3rd Sep 2017 9:44pm  

Hi Les & Gilly, A picture often says a thousand words, here it says a thousand thank-yous.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
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272 of 1082  Mon 4th Sep 2017 3:48pm  

Hi all Wave Hope all ok. Our lovely council have issued these today. We in our home hardly have any food waste. We eat everything in sight, except the peel & stuff, all of which goes in the compost bin. So we thank the council for a very handy garden lunch box. It is so kind of them, hey.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Thread starter
273 of 1082  Fri 27th Oct 2017 4:48pm  

Hi all Wave A convenient time to remind us all to put our clocks back one hour this weekend, which coincides with our annual garden tree & shrub cull. A garden designed for every season. The front with the Janet & John seat which is well used. Facing east, it becomes a morning sun-trap in winter, where there can be frost, yet I can sit in comfort (with a woolly). Our gardens don't need to be part of a stately house to be enjoyed. Thank you, Michael & Lynn (JackofAllSpades).
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
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274 of 1082  Fri 17th Nov 2017 9:55am  

Morning all Wave Hope you like this view.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
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275 of 1082  Fri 26th Jan 2018 3:33pm  

Afternoon all Wave
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
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276 of 1082  Mon 5th Mar 2018 10:44am  

Hi all Wave I have had some waterworks procedure at Walsgrave hospital, along with some ongoing treatment. I'm currently discharged & home and depending on what transpires with the treatment will dictate the future. I actual feel the best that I have for months. Once I get used to some temporary plastic plumbing, I may be able get out and about in a week. So, that is just to explain my absence and lack of activity, along with my gratitude for my friend covering for me on our forum. What I can tell you about is the five star hotel called Walsgrave hospital. The staff are rushed off their feet, but care with a passion of care. Just to boast, on leaving, the senior staff nurse gave me a gold star award for not pressing the call nurse button once. I didn't need to. The food like everything else was fab. The sad part was leaving behind two very ill gents in the ward. I tell you, they wouldn't get better care if they were in Buckingham Palace. Best wishes Philip. Cheers Big grin Thumbs up Happy
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Helen F
277 of 1082  Mon 5th Mar 2018 5:22pm  

Aww, sorry to hear you were poorly, Philip. Fingers crossed you're on the mend. Nurses can be angels or demons, I'm so glad you got the good ones, you deserve them. Long distance hugs and hope you'll soon be well enough for your very important job of reviewing Coventry's breakfast emporia and you need to be fit for the spring rail schedule both real and in miniature. Take care.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Old Lincolnian
278 of 1082  Mon 5th Mar 2018 7:35pm  

Welcome back Philip Wave So pleased you are on the mend and many thanks to MR who has filled in for you especially with the updates on the rather interesting weather we have had lately Cheers Unfortunately you've missed the snowball fights!
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
279 of 1082  Tue 6th Mar 2018 8:58am  

Sorry to hear you have not been well Philip but glad you are on the mend, waterworks problems are no fun! I am sure Pam will be looking after you well, keep warm. Wave Wave
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Thread starter
280 of 1082  Tue 6th Mar 2018 6:26pm  

Hi all Wave I am in awe of the wealth of kindness and feelings shown, regards my period of incapacity. My guess is that I will need surgery at some point, sooner than later. Thank you all so much. Cheers
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Roger T
281 of 1082  Tue 6th Mar 2018 10:16pm  

Sorry to hear of your trouble Philip, but welcome to the waterworks club. Regarding NHS treatment both medical and nursing, I can agree with you, I think many hospitals are pretty well genned up in this discipline. I attend Frimley Park Hospital regularly and they are superb, as are their staff, often from many nations. Attention to detail - that`s what counts. I was awakened Christmas morning one year by a piper, playing at the bottom of my bed - I was first in line by the entrance. Cheers Anyway Philip, best of luck with the next stage of your treatment.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
282 of 1082  Wed 7th Mar 2018 8:56am  

Nice to know you are still there Philip Thumbs up
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Thread starter
283 of 1082  Wed 7th Mar 2018 2:07pm  

Hi all Wave Popped into Coventry today, accompanied a friend, to Specsavers. My pipework is discrete and working well. What I am careful of is the medication that I am on until the middle of April. It's a muscle relaxant, but takes a week or so for me to acclimatize. I am ordered off driving (what's driving anyway) because I suddenly fall asleep. Other than that, I really feel good. I'm going to try and lose a further half stone by end of March, so my bacon butty was replaced by a tuna toasty at the Belgrade this morning, along with black tea, which I like anyway. The toasty was fab. The letter detailing my outpatient appointment has just arrived, talk about a speedy service. The consultant said six weeks, what a pip!
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Perth Western Australia
284 of 1082  Wed 7th Mar 2018 2:14pm  

Good health and keep going Philip. Now comes the hard part, losing that half a stone so good luck with that too. Wave
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
285 of 1082  Fri 9th Mar 2018 9:29am  

Hi Philip, Wave Hope you are feeling better!! Thumbs up
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam

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