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1082 posts:

the secret garden
151 of 1082  Thu 16th Oct 2014 9:01pm  

Hope you get well soon Philip
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
152 of 1082  Thu 16th Oct 2014 9:58pm  

Hope you soon feel better, Philip - I'm sure Pam is taking good care of you.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Thread starter
153 of 1082  Fri 17th Oct 2014 9:16am  

Hi all, and thank you for your kind messages. A virus infection is the cause of my one degree under, the sad fact is that any infection always goes for my eyesight, the weakest point. I am feeling more myself this morning and hope to be in full swing very soon.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
154 of 1082  Fri 17th Oct 2014 9:47am  

Take care Philip, hope you'll soon be feeling better. Thumbs up xx
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Thread starter
155 of 1082  Sun 19th Oct 2014 9:31am  

Hi all Wave It's my turn to tell you that our friend Midland Red Sad is not well, having visited Cov last week to record pictures of the Station tower demolition. Although we try to isolate our conditions to particular ailments, sometimes it is a bug that invades us and hits our weakest bits. It took a medic to put that straight with me last week. Best wishes to you all.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
156 of 1082  Sun 19th Oct 2014 11:40am  

Hope you get well soon MR. Are you and Philip taking it in turns? Big grin
Milly rules

Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Midland Red

157 of 1082  Mon 20th Oct 2014 11:12am  

Thanks Wave I didn't realise having problems with one's eyes could make one feel so very low Sad Philip knows this far better than I do - I hope he is well on the road to as full a recovery as is possible for him Thumbs up
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Midland Red

158 of 1082  Tue 28th Oct 2014 3:07pm  

Sorry to report, but I understand Philip is still having trouble with his vision, which is continuing to disrupt his normal lifestyle pattern. Sad I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing him some speedy short time improvement which will get his, and Pam's, life back in decent shape. Thumbs up I also heard that Rob has had a severe bout of man-flu, with the normal lack of sympathy which comes from the females in man's household - they just don't understand what we men go through, do they, Rob? Big grin
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Perth Western Australia
159 of 1082  Tue 28th Oct 2014 3:37pm  

We ladies quite understand what you 'men' have to go through. Just because Rob is not 'riding along on a crest of a wave' at the moment, I am quite sure he will soon be back to norm. Philip too. A female's tender care will always solve your problems chaps. Thumbs up Hey, we don't mind doing the washing up while you are laid up! Wave
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
160 of 1082  Tue 28th Oct 2014 4:39pm  

Get well soon! Big grin
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Rob Orland
Historic Coventry
161 of 1082  Wed 29th Oct 2014 3:53pm  

On 28th Oct 2014 3:07pm, Midland Red said: I also heard that Rob has had a severe bout of man-flu, with the normal lack of sympathy which comes from the females in man's household - they just don't understand what we men go through, do they, Rob? Big grin
Ooh.... I'd better pick my response to that very, very carefully!!! Wink For the sake of my future health, I can only say that I received all the sympathy I deserve! As for "man-flu" - well, dare we call it that? Nah, best stick with a good old-fashioned cold, complete with red nose, a huge pile of hankies and some Lemsip. Fortunately, it's disappeared as quickly as it came (the cold that is), so I'm back to normal now... whatever that means! (Do you think I got away with that??? Lol) Meanwhile, I hope that everyone else on here with any ailments, however big or small (the ailments I mean) all get well very soon. Thumbs up
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Thread starter
162 of 1082  Sun 30th Nov 2014 1:10pm  

Hi all Wave After living in our cul-de-sac for nearly fifty years, I think that I am aware of the road width by now.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Thread starter
163 of 1082  Wed 7th Jan 2015 2:52pm  

Hi all, This room originally housed my dad, until 1977, then my son took it over as his music room. At one time you could not move in it for synths & recording stuff. In 2000, plans were unveiled for it to be our railway room. So now, my music equipment shares one side of the room with our railway on the other side. The two synths in the picture are both accessed or played from the organ console & pedals.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Thread starter
164 of 1082  Sat 24th Jan 2015 9:23am  

Hi all Wave A haggis breakfast at home this morning. Sliced haggis, fried and served with a traditional cooked breakfast is fabulous. My parents (Scottish) enjoyed haggis in what ever way it was served and sliced with a breakfast was quite normal. Wave
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Thread starter
165 of 1082  Wed 25th Feb 2015 10:17am  

Hi all Wave Sadly, no bacon butty today at the Belgrade. Pam and I are off to a friend's funeral at a church in Coundon. My son is playing for that. This has been a most terrible start to this year for Pam and I, losing more dear friends. Another funeral for a relative in a week's time too, for me to play, at my own church. Sad PS. Update at 4pm. It was a delight to meet our wheelchair bound forum member, who had travelled over one hundred miles from farthest West Wales to be present at the funeral service. Wave
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam

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