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Helen F
166 of 255  Fri 18th Aug 2023 9:33am  

Woohoo! I was worried that I was too early or too late to tie up with your visit. Double thumbs up
News, Media and Current Affairs - Forum Breakfast Meet-ups
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167 of 255  Fri 18th Aug 2023 9:37am  

I'm so looking forward to this, Gilly & Les, Severn Trent are replacing our fresh water supply pipework, which is good news, even better that it's being executed under the free old pipe replacement scheme. Something for FREE. It's tied me in a bit whilst my carers have been away on hols. They sent me a pic. I will post it, so you will see I'm not the only Looney around here. This is at Pickering. The loco running around their train.
News, Media and Current Affairs - Forum Breakfast Meet-ups
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168 of 255  Fri 18th Aug 2023 8:06pm  

In spite of this evening's wet, Tomorrow's weather reads like this. "Saturday: A mainly dry day with broken cloud and sunny intervals and just a small chance of a passing shower. Staying breezy with some gusty winds at times. Feeling pleasantly warm. Maximum temperature 23 °C." . Made to order.
News, Media and Current Affairs - Forum Breakfast Meet-ups
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169 of 255  Sat 19th Aug 2023 12:18pm  

It's thanks to Helen, for funding our breaky meeting this morning, with visitors Gilly & Les, flying in from Down-Under. Brill. PS. They arrived through the secret tunnel that used to burrow under Trinity St. No questions, please. Security clearance required.
News, Media and Current Affairs - Forum Breakfast Meet-ups
170 of 255  Sat 19th Aug 2023 12:22pm  

Hope you've all had a lovely morning all - I was called out last night and its carried on today so I wouldn't have been able to risk it! Hope Gilly and Les are well!
News, Media and Current Affairs - Forum Breakfast Meet-ups
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171 of 255  Sat 19th Aug 2023 12:27pm  

Returning home, Neil, when they get to the centre of our earth, they have to take the second tunnel on the right, or else they finish up in China. After I've enjoyed a small tot of Beaujolais, it all becomes much clearer. Gilly & Les, pile into here with their luggage, where there's a Mondays only through lift service to Sydney Opera House. Also, there's an emergency lever called a boomerang, which if they pull it, it brings them straight back. There is actually a serious side to this. The company this morning was fabulous. We do wish them a safe & trouble free journey home, as we do for Helen motoring up north. Love to you all. Cheers Double thumbs up
News, Media and Current Affairs - Forum Breakfast Meet-ups
Rob Orland
Historic Coventry
172 of 255  Sat 19th Aug 2023 3:17pm  

Big thanks to Helen for this morning's treat! Smile And how wonderful to meet Gilly and Les again after several years - and no apparent change! Lovely chats all round which I wish could have gone on for many more hours! Cheers
News, Media and Current Affairs - Forum Breakfast Meet-ups
Perth Western Australia
173 of 255  Sat 19th Aug 2023 5:34pm  

On 19th Aug 2023 12:27pm, PhiliPamInCoventry said: Returning home Also, there's an emergency lever called a boomerang, which if they pull it, it brings them straight back. Cheers Double thumbs up
Philip, Cor' luvva duck - So that's what a boomerang is for. After all these years, nobody every told me that. Grrrrrrrr!
News, Media and Current Affairs - Forum Breakfast Meet-ups
Helen F
174 of 255  Sun 20th Aug 2023 7:49am  

It was a great brekkie! I too hated to call it a day but the motorway loomed. There were a lot of people on the road. Now I get to truffle through all the goodies I got at the Herbert. Big grin
News, Media and Current Affairs - Forum Breakfast Meet-ups
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175 of 255  Sun 20th Aug 2023 9:31am  

What a boon day for me yesterday. Treated by Helen to my breaky. Then, walking to our local Asian restaurant, on my own for evening dinner, I gate-crashed into friends, who insisted on me joining them, plus I had a ride home in a new limo. The only thing I paid for yesterday was a smoothy in Cafe Italia. What a pip!
News, Media and Current Affairs - Forum Breakfast Meet-ups
Melbourne Australia
176 of 255  Fri 25th Aug 2023 5:30am  

Hi All, Sorry for the late reply. Our last few days in Coventry were quite hectic as well as sad saying good bye to precious family and friends. We are in Vietnam at the moment before returning home to Melbourne on Monday. It was so wonderful to be able to catch up with you all once again and to meet Helen. Thank you for the coffee Helen. The lovely greeting from you all 'our forum family' is always a very special part of our trip to the UK. If only there was that secret tunnel Philip for us to use! Take care - until we meet again. Les and Gilly Wave Cheers
News, Media and Current Affairs - Forum Breakfast Meet-ups
Helen F
177 of 255  Tue 29th Aug 2023 11:26am  

I'm finally home from my travels, two days later than planned because my car is playing silly devils again. Sigh. I'm pooped. Despite the travails, it was a great trip and the brekkie was a highlight. Double thumbs up
News, Media and Current Affairs - Forum Breakfast Meet-ups
178 of 255  Mon 13th Nov 2023 12:53pm  

Well where did that year go?!? Time for the traditional Forumers Christmas Breaky methinks! Any dates/venue suggestions welcome ......
News, Media and Current Affairs - Forum Breakfast Meet-ups
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179 of 255  Mon 13th Nov 2023 1:43pm  

Me thinks this sounds nice. As long as it's somewhere that serves food.
News, Media and Current Affairs - Forum Breakfast Meet-ups
180 of 255  Mon 13th Nov 2023 9:59pm  

Having sung my last this year, until a visit to Gloucester cathedral in February 2024, I am off to "chateau enfant de choeur" near Montelimar for the next 3 and a half weeks, (just a two-up, two-down but we are built lean-to the 13th C chateau). I return to face the surgeons scalpel (laparoscope) to get some internals replaced to their rightful places. Much as I am wishing to meet you all again I fear I am unable to make a date before the New Year. I will keep in touch: our peasant dwelling has 21st C 300Mb/s fibre!
News, Media and Current Affairs - Forum Breakfast Meet-ups

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