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Midland Red

796 of 1082  Mon 15th Nov 2021 5:36pm  

Here's one from 2012 Thumbs up
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Helen F
797 of 1082  Mon 15th Nov 2021 5:48pm  

Now I want a sausage batch/bap. Roll eyes That is a particularly attractive photo MR.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
798 of 1082  Mon 15th Nov 2021 7:14pm  

Sorry, Helen, it's got to be a BATCH or nothing, none of your northern words on here.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Midland Red

799 of 1082  Mon 15th Nov 2021 7:17pm  

Helen is not many miles away from "sausage barm" country Wink
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Helen F
800 of 1082  Mon 15th Nov 2021 7:48pm  

I recognise that I'm a guest in your county, Anne, MR. I will attempt speak the language in a slow and loud voice. Lol
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Thread starter
801 of 1082  Mon 15th Nov 2021 8:06pm  

No Helen, We are not in K I D E R M I N S T E R. (in a slow voice)
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Helen F
802 of 1082  Mon 15th Nov 2021 8:20pm  

Ah the perils of language. I now don't know what K I D E R M I N S T E R means. Is it a Coventry euphemism for gone barmy? "How's Mr Smith these days?" "Oh, sorry to tell you that he's gone full Kidderminster. They only realised when they caught him buttering his slippers and wearing two small brown loaves on his feet. They asked him what he was doing and he said 'loafing about'."
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Midland Red

803 of 1082  Mon 15th Nov 2021 8:47pm  

There is a shortage of men's white coats, I believe Wink
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Helen F
804 of 1082  Mon 15th Nov 2021 8:54pm  

I had a sign on my office door 'You DO have to be mad to work here and no, it doesn't help'.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
805 of 1082  Tue 16th Nov 2021 9:24am  

On 15th Nov 2021 7:17pm, Midland Red said: Helen is not many miles away from "sausage barm" country Wink
Up here it's a Sausage in a Bun, or Sausage Softie! Not forgetting of course that one has to ask for link sausage or you get the beef square 'Lorne Sausage' which definitely doesn't sit well in a round batch!
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
806 of 1082  Tue 16th Nov 2021 9:41am  

As my son was born in Staffordshire, he refuses to acknowledge "batches" although he went to Coventry University. He recently went for an interview in Stoneleigh and I said to him, "Do you realise, if you get the job, you will have to eat batches?" and he said, "No I won't, I will take my own sandwiches".
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Helen F
807 of 1082  Tue 16th Nov 2021 10:40am  

Now if it's sausages in bread it would be a sausage butty. Bread/buns are probably the best way to tell where someone is from if they haven't got an accent.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Thread starter
808 of 1082  Tue 16th Nov 2021 10:53am  

Hi all, Sausages might be one of the reasons for the mixed terms of batches or rolls. Sausage roll is a sausage cased in pastry, whereas a sausage batch is cased in bread. If I pop into Greggs, at anytime, they serve hot sausage rolls & hot sausage batches. How do we distinguish one from the other? Food for thought. Answers on a postcard addressed to the care home.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
809 of 1082  Tue 16th Nov 2021 11:10am  

No way can you have a sausage butty, a chip butty yes, or a sausage sarny. Smile
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Helen F
810 of 1082  Tue 16th Nov 2021 11:23am  

Tee hee. In Lancashire you can have all sorts of butties. I wonder why chip butties caught on elsewhere?
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam

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