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1082 posts:

Pauline H
616 of 1082  Thu 3rd Jun 2021 5:49pm  

So sorry for your loss Philip. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
617 of 1082  Thu 3rd Jun 2021 6:58pm  

Philip, so sorry for your loss. I will light a candle in memory of your wife, may your inner strength and faith support and help you at this time and in the coming months and years. God bless you!
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Mr Blue Sky
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
618 of 1082  Thu 3rd Jun 2021 7:52pm  

Very sorry to read the sad news of the loss of your dear wife Pam, Philip. Please accept my sincere condolences to you and your family.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
619 of 1082  Fri 4th Jun 2021 11:21pm  

My heartfelt condolences, Philip. Thinking of you and your family.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Thread starter
620 of 1082  Sat 5th Jun 2021 6:41am  

Morning all, I can't find words to express how at ease that I feel. Early days & time will tell. I don't believe that I am numb in anyway. I'm eating ok. Don't want to put my weight back on though, hey! After learning of Pam's devastating state last April, that's when it sunk in & I was so heavy, possibly grief stricken, but as I explained, it didn't last long. Pam came home from hospital last April, but her condition got so worse. I sat with her, helping to hold her sick bowl, time & time again, where all she could do was keep saying how sorry she was to be such a bother. I had no skill but to love her. Yes, maybe relief that she is not suffering now, is a part of how well I feel. That relief though, would for me be meaningless, without my faith. I'm so grateful that on the morning that she died in hospital, she had a visit from the hospital Chaplain. What a difficult job he has. No matter his beliefs, he attends everyone, no matter their beliefs. He values them above everything else. There is one passage of Scripture that authorises him to do that. "We wrestle against the principalities of evil, not folk". One day, I might try & explain that. One day I might partly understand it! For now, just please except my wholesome gratitude for the warmth of membership that our forum is. God bless.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Thread starter
621 of 1082  Sat 5th Jun 2021 8:07am  

I might get the "hang" of this one day. Not the laundry, been doing that for three years. It's doing so little. Even that is easy when Pam bought me a new big drum washing machine last year. No tinkywinky thing for me.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Helen F
622 of 1082  Sat 5th Jun 2021 10:57am  

Watch out. When I was in need of stimulus I ended up here. Oh my I'd suggest you return the favour by joining one of Warrington's forums on the fascinating history of the town... but as our bid for City of Culture explained - we haven't any culture but bung us some money and we'll get some. Good morning Philip Wave
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Thread starter
623 of 1082  Sun 6th Jun 2021 7:11am  

Hi all, & good morning Helen, I'm off to chapel this morning, the first visit since lockdown in the Spring of 2020. The chapel in the meantime has been open with restrictions when it has been legal to do so, but my fulltime carer duty, meant that Pam & I watched on tele. I'm very grateful for MR, sorting our weather topic out. It doesn't hurt anyone to have a rest or break from a routine, rather than hogging an office, quite apart from circumstances. Thank you. Someone hogging an office always brought suspicions of hide & seek going on. The nature of my finance career has left stains on me, like I tend to be judgemental which is horrible. Please help to value our forum. We can share in conversation just as though we are together over a cuppa. There's nothing inked in yet regards Pam's funeral arrangements, it may be a Nuneaton crematorium appointment, with a church thanksgiving service & meal, provisional date announced for when lockdown free so that all are welcome. These are strange times, but we work through them. Currently, it's not set number restrictions, it's two metre apart spacing, which does severely restrict attendant numbers. It's so nice being amongst friends on here, able share what hasn't been signed & sealed. Hopefully, we all get the picture. I will curtail these random jottings from Grogley Maltings. Wishing you all a very happy Sunday. It's starting to look a bit different here.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
624 of 1082  Sun 6th Jun 2021 11:01am  

Philip. I know that at this time you have countless things to think about but I have a piece of practical advice for you. You mentioned that Pam's funeral might be in Nuneaton. My parents passed away during this last six months, Mum in December and Dad in February. They lived in Wheelwright Lane not far from you and both funerals were at the Heart of England crem. Covid regulations allow for a maximum of 30 people inside the chapel so there were many people outside, some of whom had travelled long distances to attend. This meant that the video and audio link was very important to us. Unfortunately we were told after each service that the link was down which was distressing and, frankly, annoying. These things are very important for us so I would advise you to ask the funeral directors to emphatically assure you that, wherever the service is held, a link is operational so that those outside can be included. The link also provides a permanent record of the occasion which might provide a little comfort later. If moderators feel this post is not appropriate please delete.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Kaga simpson
Peacehaven, East Sussex
625 of 1082  Sun 6th Jun 2021 1:25pm  

Walrus I hope I'm not prying into your life, but I believe your post holds much sadness for me, for a number of years your mother and I were in the same class room, often sitting in desks near each other. Over those times we shared a lot of laughter and sadness together, and my grandfather lived a few doors away from her family. I believe on occasions we looked at each other through gasmasks of all things, that caused much amusement. Yes, part of my school life. I do hope your not offended, for it would ruin some happy memories. Kaga.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
626 of 1082  Sun 6th Jun 2021 1:40pm  

Kaga. Thank you for your kindness. My Mum, Della, also held many happy memories of Grange Road, Ash Green and Keresley village. I'm so glad you were there to share them. Mum had a very large family and, in the early days, a hard life. Fortunately the family were able, when we were older, to give her both the material and emotional comfort she so deserved. She was a marvellous woman. There were some 150 plus people outside the chapel as well as those lining the main road when we left the house. We were all so proud. That is why I took the liberty of advising Philip about the video link, it was very important for us. Thank you for your kind thoughts.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Thread starter
627 of 1082  Sun 6th Jun 2021 1:43pm  

Hi to you both & thank you. That is partly why, the crematorium service is a token for the cremation, the thanksgiving service with meal for all will be announced with a provisional date. Numbers have changed to two metre distancing, which for average family gatherings at the crem, is over forty. These are difficult times, but we will overcome them.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
628 of 1082  Mon 7th Jun 2021 10:09am  

Hi Philip - apols I have been off the forum for a few days so only just seen your sad news. My condolences to you - you will both be in my thoughts and prayers. We are all here if needed.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Thread starter
629 of 1082  Tue 8th Jun 2021 6:16am  

Hi all, Thank you Neil, you have nothing to apologise for, except for being so kind. Pam's funeral, times & dates are, Wednesday, 23rd June, due at Heart of England Crematorium, (Nuneaton) at 11am. Current Covid restrictions are very severe, even if they are relaxed we have a provisional date that will be announced for early September, where we shall hold a thanksgiving service & meal with free access for all, at our local chapel. That will be a joyous occasion. Pamela hated events where some are included, others not. That was never Pam. The funeral cortege, will travel from our home, passing her surgery where she spent nearly thirty seven years, caring for folk. That allows so many folk the opportunity to take part, avoiding the Covid attendance restrictions.
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam
Perth Western Australia
630 of 1082  Tue 8th Jun 2021 7:53am  

Philip, I was very pleased to read your above post, more so as I will be there in mind and spirit on Pam's day, as I am sure many of us will. You are coping very well, so keep strong and take care. Smile
Coventry People - Our Phili-Pam

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