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west hallam, derbyshire
1 of 341  Wed 22nd Jun 2011 11:29pm  

Members viewing

Would it be possible for the powers that be on here to add something that let's you know how many people are viewing this forum at any time? It would be a good thing in my view. Great site by the way.
Memories and Nostalgia - Forum Features & Updates
Rob Orland
Historic Coventry
2 of 341  Thu 23rd Jun 2011 8:08pm  

Blimey, I've never been described as a "power that be" before! Probably need to eat more spinach! This idea to show how many are viewing the forum is a great one, and I will definitely look into it. This forum is totally "hand made" by me though, using PHP code, but I'm sure there must be a way to do this. I'll do some Googling to see how easy it is to do, assuming that it can be. Cheers, Rob
Memories and Nostalgia - Forum Features & Updates
3 of 341  Thu 23rd Jun 2011 10:09pm  

I think it would be good idea if he could make it to record the number of views that each post gets and not just from log-in members, giving him the chance to see the traffic his site gets as if people look at the forum threads they also look at the Guestbook plus other things on his site, would give him the satisfaction knowing people are interested in The History of Coventry site (From an outsider)
Memories and Nostalgia - Forum Features & Updates
Rob Orland
Historic Coventry
4 of 341  Thu 23rd Jun 2011 10:40pm  

Hi Dougie, nice to hear the ideas come rolling in! However, the web-hosting company that "Historic Coventry" is on (including the forum, family and kids' sites, etc.) automatically records all the traffic details of every item on every page - far more information than I could possibly digest, in fact! So, for instance, I've just taken a quick look, and you'll be pleased to know that your very own topic page "One of the oldest family firms" scored the highest number of hits yesterday with 64 views! "Where's the kangaroo??" was the next highest with 32. But all those stats can't tell you, the viewer, how many folk are currently "having a butchers", so I'll add that feature soon when I've finished working it out. I had a Google earlier, but couldn't find a satisfactory answer, so I sat down for a while tonight with some Coldplay and ELO quietly in the background and I think I've worked out now how it can be done, by counting IP addresses. I might get time tomorrow night hopefully to make it work. I reckon I can even match up IP addresses to current members, so it might be possible to list who's online.... but I'm not sure if that's a good idea - I don't think everyone will be too keen to have it known when they're "on".
Memories and Nostalgia - Forum Features & Updates
Spon End
5 of 341  Thu 23rd Jun 2011 10:48pm  

Rob Orland said: I reckon I can even match up IP addresses to current members.
Can't be done that way Rob. Few people have 'static' IP addresses, most are given random addresses from their ISP's 'pool' which change each time they logon to the internet. You have to use 'site cookies' to identify individual users.
Memories and Nostalgia - Forum Features & Updates
6 of 341  Thu 23rd Jun 2011 10:49pm  

Rob - I don't think everyone will be too keen to have it known when they're "on". I think you're right as I for one wouldn't like it
Memories and Nostalgia - Forum Features & Updates
west hallam, derbyshire
Thread starter
7 of 341  Thu 23rd Jun 2011 11:54pm  

Why not dougie? That way you would know when people you know are on and can talk about whatever the topic of the day is and also bring other people into your chat. It's all going to be Coventry-based chat and would increase traffic and might even put you or others in touch with long lost friends who casually stumble on this site.
Memories and Nostalgia - Forum Features & Updates
Rob Orland
Historic Coventry
8 of 341  Fri 24th Jun 2011 10:59pm  

dutchman said: Can't be done that way Rob. Few people have 'static' IP addresses, most are given random addresses from their ISP's 'pool' which change each time they logon to the internet. You have to use 'site cookies' to identify individual users.
Ah, well you see, I had a bit of a think about that.... and then needed a good lie down 'cos me brain hurt !! However, as each member's IP address is recorded when they register, I've simply made it update it each time they log in again, so for each session the IP will be current. You've probably already noticed the small line at the foot of each page, which just mentions how many people are viewing and how many of those are members. I have a secret page from where I can see a list of usernames when they're 'on'. I won't be displaying who's online publicly though, because I want this to continue to be just a simple discussion forum as originally intended, and not become a chat-site or an exercise in gathering statistics for the sake of it. It must be remembered, too, that this forum is still only a 'home-made' hobby, so I have no interest in increasing traffic, etc., which would only cost me more if I had to upgrade the hosting package again. If people do want to 'chat', then a more transient way of communicating would be more suitable, like MSN, facebook, a telephone.... or how about putting the world to rights over a pint of John Smiths! Cheers! Meanwhile, it's still fantastic to see how many folk enjoy coming on here, so thank you once again to all who have made it so very worthwhile. Rob
Memories and Nostalgia - Forum Features & Updates
west hallam, derbyshire
Thread starter
9 of 341  Mon 27th Jun 2011 10:11pm  

So at this moment in time there are 2 forum members and 7 guests, sooo who are the two? Don't be shy now, we're all Cov Kids.
Memories and Nostalgia - Forum Features & Updates
Plymouth, Devon
10 of 341  Tue 28th Jun 2011 1:28pm  

Boo Hoo! now I feel so unwanted, checking the viewing figures I see there are several viewers but NO forum members present, so what am I? Alan

Memories and Nostalgia - Forum Features & Updates
Rob Orland
Historic Coventry
11 of 341  Tue 28th Jun 2011 7:52pm  

Ah, don't worry Alan, we all love ya!!! Were you logged in at the time? Once you've logged in it should now capture your IP address (a unique number that everyone's modem or computer is allocated) so it'll know after that if it's you looking. If you look at your profile you'll see a new line that shows this IP address, although this can change from time to time. Hopefully you'll get "noticed" next time you check it out! (An nobody need worry about seeing their name mentioned - each member only gets to see their own name.) Cheers, Rob
Memories and Nostalgia - Forum Features & Updates
Plymouth, Devon
12 of 341  Wed 29th Jun 2011 11:49am  

Silly me! can I use age as an excuse? Alan

Memories and Nostalgia - Forum Features & Updates
Rob Orland
Historic Coventry
13 of 341  Thu 30th Jun 2011 7:36am  

You're not silly at all Alan, there's no way you could've know how my new little 'feature' would work! And Dougie, you're very kind to say that, I'm so glad you enjoy my little website! IP addresses are strange things and are usually allocated automatically by the internet provider, like BT or Virginmedia, etc. Although the IP number often remains the same for ages, or until your modem is changed or rebooted, some could change each time you go onto the internet. If that's the case, then you won't get recognised as a member until you log onto the forum again, which is when I've made it automatically update your stored IP address. As good ol' Spike Milligan would've said; "It's all very confusing really"!! Right, once this cuppa's gone down I'm "on me bike" to work for another 8 hours! Bye for now
Memories and Nostalgia - Forum Features & Updates
14 of 341  Thu 30th Jun 2011 6:24pm  

I'm slightly worried about the accuracy of the IP address. I understand that the same person can be allocated different IP addresses at different times and different computers on the same LAN my appear to have the same IP address. Certainly, if you are behind a secure firewall, the IP address will not be accurate. I had a look and the counter said six viewers, one of whom is a member (that must be you then!). When I logged in it said six viewers, one of whom is a member (that must be you InnisRoad!). When I logged out and had another look, the original message appeared, so it is a little confusing. To be fair, as long as you stay on line, the IP address should not change, but if you reboot or lose connectivity, the IP address may change.
Regards Innis Road

Memories and Nostalgia - Forum Features & Updates
Rob Orland
Historic Coventry
15 of 341  Thu 30th Jun 2011 8:34pm  

InnisRoad said: I'm slightly worried about the accuracy of the IP address....
I'll tell you what (as my dad often says).... I won't worry about it if you don't!! It's not a problem though, really. I know that several computers can be behind one firewall / router / LAN etc., and now with many home networks around (like here at home, for instance), it's not just work intranets that have that type of system. However, chances are that any such network is only likely to contain one forum member, and so the IP address recorded by the forum database will correctly identify him or her for each "session". Of course, if there are two forum members in the same network (or family?) then only the first one listed will be "greeted" by my little message at the foot of each page. It's a chance I had to take when trying out my daft / smart-arse / light-hearted / flippant (delete as necessary) idea to answer the question put by this particular topic! But that's all it is - a greeting. If it doesn't pick up the IP, then it'll not greet you personally by name, but it's not the end of the world, and it in no way affects anyone's ability to leave or read messages.
InnisRoad said: I had a look and the counter said six viewers, one of whom is a member (that must be you then!). When I logged in it said six viewers, one of whom is a member (that must be you InnisRoad!). When I logged out and had another look, the original message appeared, so it is a little confusing.
With that in mind, I think I've just improved it. Previously I'd made it only say your name if you were logged in, because it doesn't verify your IP until you do so. However, I've just realised that even if it's incorrect, all it will do is "not" say your name anyway, so I've now made it look up your recorded IP and simply take a chance that it is you, even if you're not logged in.... if that makes sense! So I thank you for prompting me to think about it again and making this change. Either way, it's just for fun.... I've said enough!
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