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241 of 250  Wed 26th Jun 2024 9:21am  

Hello, I'm often asked how on earth do my son & daughter-in-law, cope living with me. The answer is that we are fairly well organised, not completely a divided home, but there are a few boarder lines that we don't cross. There's so much to consider if anyone is contemplating such a merger. In the past, I might have put this kind of post in "The Last of the Summer Wine" topic, but this is so convenient, also, being an open friendly topic, may induce more responses. I'm more comfortable as there's someone on tap if & when things go silly, plus I'm not a single bloke hogging a three bedroom home.
Non-Coventry - Friendly chat
Mick Strong
242 of 250  Wed 26th Jun 2024 9:55am  

On 25th Jun 2024 9:28pm, argon said: Do other people get fed up with the endless chatter on before the kick off in football broadcasts? I have a friend in his nineties in a rest home who cannot see well enough to find the broadcast times of the EUFA cup matches. I have been phoning him to tell him when they are on. He wanted to see the Scotland match the other night so I told him when it started. He switched on at the beginning and by the time of the kick off had fallen asleep and missed the match.
He obviously did not miss much!!
Mick Strong

Non-Coventry - Friendly chat
Mick Strong
243 of 250  Wed 26th Jun 2024 10:08am  

On 25th Jun 2024 9:28pm, argon said: Do other people get fed up with the endless chatter on before the kick off in football broadcasts? I have a friend in his nineties in a rest home who cannot see well enough to find the broadcast times of the EUFA cup matches. I have been phoning him to tell him when they are on. He wanted to see the Scotland match the other night so I told him when it started. He switched on at the beginning and by the time of the kick off had fallen asleep and missed the match.
I would rather hear the endless chat pre game than the load of rubbish spoken by our manager and captain spoken post game !!
Mick Strong

Non-Coventry - Friendly chat
Helen F
244 of 250  Wed 26th Jun 2024 10:30am  

On 26th Jun 2024 9:21am, PhiliPamInCoventry said: Hello, I'm often asked how on earth do my son & daughter-in-law, cope living with me. The answer is that we are fairly well organised, not completely a divided home, but there are a few boarder lines that we don't cross. There's so much to consider if anyone is contemplating such a merger.
I decided that I couldn't move in with my parents when I moved home to help them. I was very lucky to find somewhere nearby that suited me.
Non-Coventry - Friendly chat
Mick Strong
245 of 250  Wed 26th Jun 2024 2:20pm  

I know its not a Coventry pub, but it is one Mum & Dad took me too as a nipper. So I was sad to see "The Tipperary" boarded up when I drove past yesterday.
Mick Strong

Non-Coventry - Friendly chat
Another Coventry kid
246 of 250  Thu 27th Jun 2024 9:16am  

That must be very recent. I quite often go past on my way back to Kenilworth from Henley. (Via the Boot in Lapworth of course.) Also along that route is the Old Crabmill at Preston Bagot. Another pub that had a mysterious fire, a year or so ago, closed, was quickly boarded up (the boarding rotted do much that about a week ago, the boarding was removed and the site is now protected by army-green military type steel gates and fencing). The pub has never re-opened. Just like the chippy in Henley. That had a small fire a couple of years ago. Never re-opened. Still closed, with a For Sale sign there for ages. I do hope the Tipperary (where the world famous song in B-flat was written) does not have a mysterious fire, like so many other closed pubs. Smile
Non-Coventry - Friendly chat
247 of 250  Thu 27th Jun 2024 9:51am  

The Tipperary seems to closed and reopened so many times. It does not seem to be able to find its niche in the market. I can remember it as far back as probably the 50's as one of the meeting points when Sutton's Bakeries did their staff treasure hunt.
Non-Coventry - Friendly chat
Thread starter
248 of 250  Thu 27th Jun 2024 12:48pm  

Hello, A one time Davenports pub, where beer was at the pub, not home.
Non-Coventry - Friendly chat
Thread starter
249 of 250  Sat 29th Jun 2024 2:49pm  

Pamphilia, apple & blackberry blom blom. My hot custard version brings the flavours out, but today this is perfect. The bulk of the fruit is in a pastry pie. That's for tomorrow. Yum! It's just a chopped up eating apple with a few blackberries & a blob of ice cream. I sometimes use yoghurt.
Non-Coventry - Friendly chat
Perth Western Australia
250 of 250  Sun 30th Jun 2024 6:05am  

Apart from creamy rice pud or apple crumble with a generous blob of fresh cream or the above, you have my blessing Philip. Thumbs up
Non-Coventry - Friendly chat

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