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Fri 14th May 2010 9:38pm
Local History and Heritage -
Rob Orland
Historic Coventry
2 of 1011
Tue 8th Jun 2010 8:31pm
Taken by our friend Brian (bkrowstron) in 1980, this lovely view of Broadgate must bring back nostalgic memories for many of us. Certainly my first memory of "town" was here - specifically having a cup of tea and a chocolate cup cake in Lyon's tea shop in the temporary buildings there - probably late 1960s when I was about 4.
Those shops were no longer there when this picture was taken (they went in 1974), but it was still a nice place to be, and I just had to share Brian's photo with everyone in the hope that it would provoke some more memories.

Local History and Heritage -
3 of 1011
Sat 25th Jun 2011 3:11pm
Can anyone remember the temporary shops in Broadgate. I remember Lyons Cafe and a shop that I think was called Spalls, it sold jewellery and ornaments. I would be interested to know the names of the other shops.
Local History and Heritage -
Spon End
4 of 1011
Sat 25th Jun 2011 3:33pm
It may depend on the year?
In the late 1960's there was a travel agents, I think, in that odd narrow space next to Martins Bank.
An open front news kiosk.
A butcher's shop close to the No15 bus stop with a display of innards which made me physically sick every morning while waiting for the school bus.
Don't know when this photo was taken?

Left to right I think it's Willsons, Richard (Brightwater?), Weaver to Wearer, Scholl?
City planning records are no help at all, often contradicting the photographic evidence.
Local History and Heritage -
Perth Western Australia
5 of 1011
Sun 26th Jun 2011 8:32am
I am sure Elizabeth's cake shop was in Broadgate. I remember my mother ordering trifles for my birthday from there.
Local History and Heritage -
6 of 1011
Sun 26th Jun 2011 7:12pm
I seem to remember Currys used to be in one of those shops in the 1950's. This was when they still sold bicycles alongside the radios and televisions.
Local History and Heritage -
Midland Red
7 of 1011
Mon 27th Jun 2011 5:36pm
Devlin's was the newspaper "shop" at the Martins Bank end, next to Lyons
Local History and Heritage -
Mike H
London Ontario, Canada
8 of 1011
Mon 27th Jun 2011 8:30pm
I have recollections of having to walk along that row of stores when young. My mother had three favourite stores in Coventry. Selright's (under the archway to Hertford Street), Thornton's (chocolate store) and Elizabeth's.
Thornton's was never in the temp stores, so it must have been Elizabeth's. lol.
Her day was made better when Elizabeth's moved to Corporation Street, almost next door to Thornton's.
Local History and Heritage -
9 of 1011
Sat 2nd Jul 2011 1:51pm
I do remember the aroma of the coffee, coming from Lyons cafe, as I waited for either the No 16, Green Lane or 17 Baginton bus, at 8.20am each school morning, which ever came first. Also, inside the cafe, they sold ice creams that were in cylinder shaped rolls.
Local History and Heritage -
Isle of Wight
10 of 1011
Sun 3rd Jul 2011 12:41am
I remember getting the No 15 bus to Green Lane to take me to Ullathorne and the bus stop in Broadgate was right outside the Gay Gannet cafe. Anyone else remember it?
Local History and Heritage -
Spon End
11 of 1011
Sun 3rd Jul 2011 1:17am
Which year would this be?
Local History and Heritage -
Isle of Wight
12 of 1011
Sun 3rd Jul 2011 1:22am
Local History and Heritage -
13 of 1011
Thu 7th Jul 2011 12:17pm
The photo must have been in 1949 or earlier, because there is a pre-way single decker. They were all withdrawn in 1949 when the new CVD6 model replaced them. Also, there are no bus shelters. I think the bus shelters were built in about 1950. From the shadows and the road surface, it looks as though Broadgate island had not been built.
Local History and Heritage -
Spon End
14 of 1011
Thu 7th Jul 2011 1:58pm
Well spotted!
Local History and Heritage -
Spon End
15 of 1011
Mon 11th Jul 2011 3:31pm
Dreamtime said:
I am sure Elizabeth's cake shop was in Broadgate.
I think "Elizabeth's Cakes" was immediately to the right of Lyons in 1955 and the neon sign above the shop had a big crown above the letter "E".
The Singer sewing machine centre was to the left of Lyons in 1955.
Local History and Heritage -