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Coventry Heritage Open Days

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Sutton Coldfield
121 of 175  Mon 11th Jul 2016 10:11pm  

We actually did that visit last year, along with St Mary's Hall which is all connected. By coincidence I ran into our esteemed Webmaster during that visit. In any case I did work for Coventry council many years ago and, in a professional capacity, got to see many hidden parts of the building back in the 70s.
Memories and Nostalgia - Coventry Heritage Open Days
122 of 175  Fri 15th Jul 2016 3:57pm  

There will be a vintage bus service on both Saturday and Sunday this year connecting around 12 venues with departures between 10.00am and 4.00pm starting/finishing at Transport Museum. This year all vehicles will have Daimler chassis manufactured in Coventry
Roger Burdett

Memories and Nostalgia - Coventry Heritage Open Days
123 of 175  Sun 4th Sep 2016 4:39pm  

Memories and Nostalgia - Coventry Heritage Open Days
Midland Red

124 of 175  Sun 4th Sep 2016 8:34pm  

Thank you, Robthu Thumbs up Here is the full list provided by Coventry City Council, where a brochure can be downloaded Now all we need is for our Philip to provide a good weather forecast Wink
Memories and Nostalgia - Coventry Heritage Open Days
125 of 175  Sun 4th Sep 2016 8:49pm  

Hi all, Hi M.R Wave Six days ahead forecasting is fraught with risk & uncertainty, but after the weather settling down during this week, next Saturday sees a risk of a period of unsettled conditions. Sad Wednesday, we might have a better idea. Wave Longterm rain forecast
Memories and Nostalgia - Coventry Heritage Open Days
126 of 175  Mon 5th Sep 2016 3:12pm  

Not strictly Coventry Heritage but a Rugby Heritage Open Day. I have tried to get a place on the tour of Cemex (Rugby Cement) a few times without any luck but phoned this morning and managed to reserve a place for Thursday and the weather forecast looks good. The view from the top of the tower should be incredible.
Memories and Nostalgia - Coventry Heritage Open Days
127 of 175  Fri 9th Sep 2016 10:49am  

The Heritage Open Day at the Cemex (Rugby Cement) plant was very educational and highly recommended. The views were spectacular. Attached are 3 photos, one towards Coventry, one looking over the quarry towards Bilton & the third towards Rugby
Memories and Nostalgia - Coventry Heritage Open Days
128 of 175  Sat 10th Sep 2016 8:34am  

Hi all Wave If you have not looked out of your window yet, please don't. It's wet.
Memories and Nostalgia - Coventry Heritage Open Days
129 of 175  Sun 11th Sep 2016 9:15am  

Hi all Wave Broadgate Clock (Telegraph)
Memories and Nostalgia - Coventry Heritage Open Days
Helen F
130 of 175  Sun 11th Sep 2016 4:15pm  

I had a rewarding day yesterday, even if I got very wet with sore booties. Didn't see everything I planned but then I never do. I started by popping into the town hall and had a long chat with Peter about his model. He's finished more of the city centre and it's looking very cool. Even exchanged a bit of techy talk, which is a rare treat - most people's eyes glaze over Lol Saw the excavated pits in the back of Gosford Street bookshop. Not wildly exciting but a tangible connection to the ordinary people of the past. Some of their finds were instructive to me about what original building materials looked like and what people were doing. The amount of pottery and other finds would have made a great Time Team. Good to see and photograph the cathedral without all the scaffolding that's been there every time I've visited. It remains to be seen how many photos haven't got rain spots on them.
Memories and Nostalgia - Coventry Heritage Open Days
Rob Orland
Historic Coventry
Thread starter
131 of 175  Mon 12th Sep 2016 5:43pm  

I didn't get round to many places over the weekend, but I did make a beeline to meet Peter in the Council House and view his 3D model of old Coventry - what a wonderful treat that was! The amount of work he's put in is mind blowing, and I really look forward to seeing how it develops over time (pun not intended!). Thumbs up
Memories and Nostalgia - Coventry Heritage Open Days
Helen F
132 of 175  Wed 6th Sep 2017 9:30pm  

It's Heritage Open Days again Heritage Open day If you see Pete at the Council House, say hi from me. I'm looking forward to seeing his next video but I'll have to wait till he uploads it to the net.
Memories and Nostalgia - Coventry Heritage Open Days
133 of 175  Tue 12th Sep 2017 8:10pm  

The Heritage Open Days were as enjoyable as ever this year and despite the wet and miserable weather at times (when going from one heritage location to another!), it was still a great few days of exploring the city's heritage and my thanks must go to everyone involved in making the whole thing happen! One of the highlights for me this year has to be my visit to the old Telegraph Office building in Corporation Street. This easily was one of the biggest and most enjoyable tours I've ever done anywhere and that's mainly because there was an element of surprise with every corner I turned, or in every room I went in! Because the place is just so big (certainly a lot bigger than I ever imagined!), it made the tour seem never ending!!! (Even better still that was!). I would definitely recommend everyone to go on a tour of the old Telegraph Office if you get a chance to, as I promise you that you won't regret it!!! Just be prepared to go up and down lots and lots of stairs, up and down lots of corridors, in and out of lots of offices and at times, even walking through some dimly lit basement areas, but it was all part of the fun!!!! lol. (And you'll even get to see a massive big newspaper printing machine still down there in the depths of the place too!). Another thing I certainly enjoyed to about this building was that the balcony at the front of it was also open to the public and I myself spent quite a while on there taking photo's of everything and anything that past me by, but it was mainly the city's buses that I was photographing!!!! lol. I saw people posing for photo's on there and I even overheard people saying how nice it was to even be allowed on that balcony, as they'd always wanted to go on it and mentioned about the times when they saw the big Christmas Tree that once stood on there! Another place I visited (just one of many! lol) was the "ROSE COMMUNITY CENTRE", as part of the Spon End art trail and I have to say a big "THANK YOU" to the people in there for the welcome I received, but especially for the free tea and curry that I was kindly given in there, as on the cold day that it was, that food and drink was just what the doctor ordered, as the old saying goes!!! lol. I got so warm and comfortable sitting in there (in the presence of great company too!), that I didn't really feel like going on to my next heritage location afterwards, but in the end I had to force myself to do so (lol), but I sure do appreciate what the staff at that Community Centre did for me and the very warm welcome I received! (The artwork on display in there was very good too!). Not wanting to forget anyone that I was fortunate enough to meet, my thanks must also go to the staff and presenters at "BBC Coventry & Warwickshire", for a fascinating tour of their studios and also to the members of the "Coventry Family History Society", who were to be found in the lobby area of the "Herbert Art Gallery & Museum", as it was the best history lesson ever for me, when I got talking to those lovely people! (And purchased some of their books / newsletters!).
Memories and Nostalgia - Coventry Heritage Open Days
Midland Red

134 of 175  Tue 12th Sep 2017 9:06pm  

Sounds like you had a great time, CKV 1D - thanks for the report and the great photo Thumbs up
Memories and Nostalgia - Coventry Heritage Open Days
135 of 175  Fri 15th Sep 2017 2:09pm  

"THANK YOU" Midland Red!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I certainly did have a great time and as always, the time just flew by way too quickly unfortunately! One thing I forgot to mention that I also thoroughly enjoyed, was a visit that I made to the old Grammar School in Hales Street, as if you put a donation in the bucket there, you were given the honour of being allowed to pull on the rope and ring the old school bell, which is visible up on the roof of the building that overlooks the bottom end of Bishop Street!!!!
Memories and Nostalgia - Coventry Heritage Open Days

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