I'm not sure if there is much to be said about it but I'll have a go. From the view - a short road behind led to West Orchard. The route on the right connected with Market Street off Smithford Street and the row of buildings at the back were part of a road from Broadgate. Broadgate was the original market place and this area was known as the Women's Market. I expect that originally the Women's Market was quite specific about what it sold but by the time this photo was taken it would have been similar to the markets we're more familiar with, selling almost anything.
In addition to the central covered area there were kiosk like buildings either side. To the right was the gaol house (not the main gaol which was off Pepper Lane) and a set of stocks.
And this is the view from the other side of the market
I'm not sure of the exact date but the market house and big block of buildings to the right of your picture were demolished round about the 1860s to build the new market hall you see in later pictures.