Here's a photo of St Agnes Lane, off Hales Street. The Hippodrome was built over it.
Streets and Roads - St Agnes Lane
Helen F Warrington
2 of 5Fri 29th Jun 2018 10:43am
The picture is from about half way down the lane, looking north. The original St Agnes Well was sited on the very left of the photo (before the building was erected) and fed a small stream that flowed into the Radford Brook, just before it joined the Sherbourne. Later a pump was put in, slightly further up the road on the right and probably tapped into the same source.
Streets and Roads - St Agnes Lane
Prof Gloucester
Thread starter
3 of 5Fri 29th Jun 2018 5:38pm
Thanks so much Helen F for the detail. I had no idea. It interested me because in the 50s-60s I knew an old lady who was born in the Lane and who was also prepared for a life of service at the Blue Coat School, Priory Lane, and who I talked to many times on the subject of Old Coventry (pre WW2).
Streets and Roads - St Agnes Lane
heathite Coventry
4 of 5Tue 15th Dec 2020 7:05am
St Agnes Lane map 1909 with a directory page from the 1911 directory.