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West Orchard

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Helen F
1 of 198  Sun 3rd Nov 2013 7:26pm  

Since I'm currently trying to disentangle West Orchard, and Rob wanted pictures of the street, I thought I'd round up some of the pictures and link to them here. First are the buildings on the junction with Smithford Street Fleet Street Left side, City Arms pub: Right side: Left side Apart from aerial photos (see later) I've no image for the next building on the left up to the right hand bend over the river. Right side There was this Co-Op building (image number 1) And round the corner there was this one. And within that block (picture number 3) was this building. In the same area but from an earlier era we have Anne's picture looking from Smithford Street/Fleet Street along the river (covered over by the time the Co-op was built). And looking in the opposite direction the top one of these two pictures. Looking to the right from the same position, the bottom of these two images. The next images I've got are by Sydney Bunney but they're not on the net. There's a similar picture to Anne's of the building on the bridge. There's a view of the back of that building and the building next door. There's a part picture of that building from the front and the next two. Half the Congregational Church is included in the book I've got and another picture that looks past that view, up West Orchard. You can see the gap to access the church on the left and all the buildings up to a kink in the road. In the distance, I think you can see the outer edge of the Market Hall. A very similar view to that picture, but drawn earlier before the market was built, is the one Anne posted. I haven't worked out exactly which buildings are which in the distance on the map, other than that they sit where the market will be built. An aerial view shows the left hand side of the street quite well from the river, if you copy it and zoom in. To the left of the Lion Foundry are the two buildings still standing in this picture. Two standing To see the rest of the north side of West Orchard once the Lion Foundry was built, there are several books with a photo taken in 1936 from Holy Trinity spire. One of the books I'd recommend is The City of Coventry - Images from the Past. It's got more Dr Troughton pictures and the view over West Orchard is on pages 108/9. The photo of the Alms houses linked below, shows them to be located where the Lion Foundry was later built, but I don't think they would have filled the whole space. I don't know what else stood there and could do with some pictures or drawings of that area. There are loads of pictures of the end of West Orchard. Forum library image The Fish market. Before the fish market was built there was the old market hall. And a row of buildings that lead on to West Orchard (I've got a better sketch of these but I can't remember where I got it from). Between this point and the buildings near the river I've not really sorted out what goes where. I've several pictures by Sydney Bunney and Dr Troughton but they're too far apart in time to make links. The south side of West Orchard is quite confusing. There were also these buildings, row including Spread Eagle pub but they don't look like the other sketches of that side of the road. I've no street level photos of the old market hall or what was beyond it. Even the other aerial picture I've got doesn't answer my questions. Hope these help others. Wave
Streets and Roads - West Orchard
Spon End
2 of 198  Sun 3rd Nov 2013 7:45pm  

I'm splitting hairs but the junction of West Orchard is with Fleet Street. Smithford Street begins a bit further up where the river passes underneath. Smile That seemingly tiny distinction caused me much confusion over the years. As far as I can tell the Britannia Music Hall - the last building before Smithford Street - became the Great Boot Hall before being absorbed into the Co-Op building.
Streets and Roads - West Orchard
Helen F
Thread starter
3 of 198  Sun 3rd Nov 2013 7:49pm  

Thanks Big grin Yeah, I'm always losing track of where the same road becomes another one, just by changing its name. That street is a swine for trying to keep the name straight.
Streets and Roads - West Orchard
Midland Red

4 of 198  Sun 3rd Nov 2013 7:59pm  

On 3rd Nov 2013 7:45pm, dutchman said: I'm splitting hairs but the junction of West Orchards is with Fleet Street.
West Orchard, surely? Oh my
Streets and Roads - West Orchard
Spon End
5 of 198  Sun 3rd Nov 2013 8:05pm  

Corrected Smile
Streets and Roads - West Orchard
6 of 198  Sun 3rd Nov 2013 10:47pm  

Interesting viewing Helen cheers Thumbs up Can someone clear something up for me and mark on that aerial shot where the Sherborne was/is on Smithford Street?
Streets and Roads - West Orchard
Helen F
Thread starter
7 of 198  Sun 3rd Nov 2013 11:41pm  

If you can see the wedge shaped Co-Op building, the river was in line with the long inner wall, just follow it in either direction.
Streets and Roads - West Orchard
8 of 198  Sun 3rd Nov 2013 11:47pm  

Brilliant work Helen - thanks for sorting out the pictures. Brilliant! Thumbs up
Streets and Roads - West Orchard
9 of 198  Mon 4th Nov 2013 9:48am  

Great compilation Helen Thumbs up That area has always confused me a bit but I have a better idea of it now, so thanks.
Streets and Roads - West Orchard
10 of 198  Mon 4th Nov 2013 1:40pm  

The contract car coachbuilders Carbodies owned by Bobby Jones began business in West Orchard. Does anyone have a picture to post of this well known Coventry firm when it was there? They later moved to the big factory on Holyhead Road opposite Alvis, later manufacturing London taxis.
Streets and Roads - West Orchard
Midland Red

11 of 198  Tue 5th Nov 2013 10:58am  

My 3x great grandfather lived at 36 West Orchard in 1861 Has anyone any indication of where that would have been? Please! Thumbs up
Streets and Roads - West Orchard
Helen F
Thread starter
12 of 198  Tue 5th Nov 2013 1:22pm  

I can't tell exactly because all the maps I've got conflict with each other in house blocks and some blocks seem to be one building but they're not. My guestimate would be very near the junction of West Orchard and Fleet Street, somewhere under the Co-op. The pubs round the corner were the Wheat Sheaf at 30 and The Spread Eagle at 25. See the top painting. It's possibly one of the block on the right. My WAG would be the one just behind the one gable on and part of the group that goes over the middle bridge. Though these may have gone by the time of your relative. Was it one of the Britannia Buildings?
Streets and Roads - West Orchard
13 of 198  Tue 5th Nov 2013 3:58pm  

Can anyone come up with a map that includes the other end of West Orchard? I'm wondering if we can home in on number 36 by figuring out where the enumerator on the census started and stopped - yes, I know this is tricky!
Streets and Roads - West Orchard
14 of 198  Tue 5th Nov 2013 4:02pm  

Attempting to locate the Carbodies factory, I have just taken a strange route to a factory in West Orchard and this is what I found.... In 1919, Carbodies set up business in a premises acquired from Thomas Pass in West Orchard. I had a look into Thomas Pass and found his adverts for his business described as 'West Orchard Works', his adverts disappear in the papers from 1918, then I put a search in for the factory works and came up with this link and a drawing of the factory. Hope it is of interest to someone out there! Could it be the one? Centaur Cycle Factory/Carbodies original factory?
Streets and Roads - West Orchard
Spon End
15 of 198  Tue 5th Nov 2013 6:07pm  

On 5th Nov 2013 10:58am, Midland Red said: My 3x great grandfather lived at 36 West Orchard in 1861 Has anyone any indication of where that would have been? Please! Thumbs up
It was somewhere in this general area:
Streets and Roads - West Orchard

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