@ McSporran.. if I see one more fashion store for the insanely skinny, one more fast food outlet, one more 'Dollar or more' store, I think that I will scream until I am sick. Where are the stores for the 'over-done'? Is this a store for the over-done? Holy crap, it's boring
@Not Local.. Not wanted? But the frontage is classic, it's huge, its magnificent, .... yes, it was old old and falling to pieces inside A million pounds might have put it right, but nobody wanted to spend a million on it. Convert it into a hotel? The Regent and the Clarendon were on their way out, so no, it had to go..
@Tony S.. The more time I spend here thinking about the issues raised, the more I believe that the problem isn't with Coventry City Centre or any other city centre. We are the problem because we don't take to change well, we are at an age when pub-crawling and being rowdy is beyond us, something we all remember doing except that the venues we knew and loved are something else now.
There is nothing for us, nothing slow enough or where we are not expected to just keep handing cash over in exchange for fun. We have financial commitments, grandkids, failing health and sense acuity. If I think back to the Coventry I knew, there would have been nothing for my parents, but I used to have great fun, but I couldn't cope with that pace anymore, so I sit at home, make the effort to do grocery shopping, call into one of Canada's famous Tim Horton's for tea and a doughnut, and that's me done for the day..
Business would never survive if we were the only customers. Ask any business owner why he/she trades at the lower ends, and you will get the same answer.. "This is where the money is"