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Upper Foleshill (New Inn Bridge to The Parting of the Heaths)

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1 of 159  Sat 28th Feb 2015 10:20am  

Lots of my mates & school friends lived in or around Parkstone Road & ranged from about 60 -early 70's years of age. The Brindleys (Alan, Vic, Angeline & Bernard), The Kellys, Dave Sephton, The Cleggs (Lynda, Rowland & Andrene) & Alan Quinney. In adjacent streets (Benthall Road & Ivor Road) were Iris & John Smith, Margaret & Roger Wells, Cathy & Jimmy Lonsdale, Roger Healey and The Guest family (Brenda, Alan, Kathy, Peter Jeanette) Margaret & Peter Warwick lived on Foleshill Road just round the corner from Benthall Road & opposite the ironmongers shop W Izzards.
Memories and Nostalgia - Upper Foleshill (New Inn Bridge to The Parting of the Heaths)
combe martim
2 of 159  Sat 28th Feb 2015 10:21am  

Hi Marg, [prefer that name to "downunder" ] Thank you for your response, yes I had calculated that you lived at around No 17 Parkstone Road, and yes we lived towards the top. As I did not Know that Gwen had an older sister, [you] I did not even know that she had an even older sister Doreen. I think that I must have walked around with my head in a bucket in those days !! You and Doreen may have known my elder brothers, Ray, and Bill. my sister's name is Jean. It is lovely to hear from you and I look forward to hearing from Gwen, If she is not a member of "Historic Coventry" [heaven forfend] then she and yourself can find me on "Facebook" Look after yourself. Regards John
Memories and Nostalgia - Upper Foleshill (New Inn Bridge to The Parting of the Heaths)
combe martim
3 of 159  Sat 28th Feb 2015 7:11pm  

Hi Derrick. tried replying to your comments on Parkstone Road this morning but had all sorts of problems, eventually tried the contact direct but don't know if that went either, anyway lets try this The Brindleys. yes I knew them all, their Uncle had the butchers shop on the corner of Parkstone Road, also a shop up the Foleshill road just past the Williams pub. I think the father was a builder. The Kelley's. yes knew them, lived about number 11 Parkstone, Irish family. forgotten children's names though, Remember going carol singing with my mates and Mr Kelly made us go into their living room and sing carols too his family! Dave Sephton yes at poss No 15. His dad grew roses and was always first out with his brush and pan when the bakers horse had been around. Not sure about the Cleggs, Alan quinney, Iris and John Smith, Margaret and Roger wells. Cannot remember Cathy and Jimmy Lonsdale, but do remember who must have been Brother and Sister Chris and Helen Lonsdale. Cannot recall Roger Healey but do remember a girl called Gillian [I think] Healey. lived in Ivor Road, her Dad drove a big tip up wagon. There were more you mentioned who I may well know but have just forgotten. But can you remember John and Billy Oakley who lived in Benthal road, or Melvyn Cooper who lived on Foleshill road next to Roberts the cobblers [and I don't know how I remember his name] have been trying to find John Oakley for ages last we knew of him he was in Bournemouth.
Memories and Nostalgia - Upper Foleshill (New Inn Bridge to The Parting of the Heaths)
Queensland. Australia
4 of 159  Mon 2nd Mar 2015 10:42pm  

Hi again, Just love it when the past turns up again. We lived across the jetty to Sephton's and Mr. Sephton kept pigeon's, I us to take David out in his pram, then I took Bernard Brindley to Longford Park in his pram, that was the done thing then. I know I lost my ring in Longford Park by the see-saw, not a happy dad when I got home. I met up with Bernard 2 years ago while on holiday in Cov. Gwen took us to country fate and there he was, as I said Gwen remembers everyone. He keeps a Pub somewhere .Also I keep in touch with Mary Wells, we always meet up when we come home, and remember each others birthday, Lots of the names I do remember, like the Marples, Margaret Lee from the orchard, the Vines, Mrs Taylor, Beryl Sterman who's dad was a scout master at Wyken Croft, usto go there dancing, met Roy Windross there, and we keep in touch, speak every 2 weeks. Aint memories wonderful, seems to pick you up. Last time I took my Aussie to see Parkstone road, also said how long it was, wrong, that was a childs view, skip and jump you would end up in the cut. Marg
Memories and Nostalgia - Upper Foleshill (New Inn Bridge to The Parting of the Heaths)
Thread starter
5 of 159  Mon 2nd Mar 2015 10:45pm  

John I did get your email but was busy over the weekend because it was my daughters 21st (I started having a family late) I am nearly 64 and my youngest is just 19. The Quinneys lived next house up the street from the Sephtons. I think my mate's dad Tom Quinney at one time ran the club on the Foleshill Road next to the New Inn Bridge. I think it started off as The Gasworkers Club then changed to Foleshill Social (not sure about this) but remember it burning down late 1950's. Think the original Parkstone Club is now RAOB Club and the Gas Club moved almost opposite Arbury Avenue next to what became the new Foleshill Social Club which in turn closed, burnt down and is now a wood yard. There are probably people on this site with much better memories that can correct my errors on this subject and I would very much appreciate it. I think one of Tom Quinney's relatives might have run the Rainbow in Allesley village. I remember an incident with the Kelly's. The brother (cannot remember his name although pretty sure it was Brian) had a motor scooter and he was "showing off" to a street full of people. He revved it up & up and then let the clutch out and it "took off" with a tremendous wheelie with "Brian" hanging on with only his stomach touching the seat like a surfboarder with the toecaps of his shoes leaving a trail of leather along the road. After a few yards, the engine stalled and the bike fell unceremoniously sideways leaving him in a heap. Great times & great memories. I remember playing Ice Hockey on the canal next to New Inn Bridge but that is another story John. I don't know of a John Oakley but you jogged my memory & I went to school with a Sharon Oakley.
Memories and Nostalgia - Upper Foleshill (New Inn Bridge to The Parting of the Heaths)
combe martim
6 of 159  Tue 3rd Mar 2015 9:33am  

Hi again Derrick, thanks for your reply again. This is how I remember the clubs along the Foleshill Road,. The club just before the New Inn bridge, opposite the gasworks gates, was the gas club. I remember that half of it was a sort of hut on stilts which I think was their snooker room, we, as kids would crawl under the hut , we found old, broken snooker cues which were good for "sword fencing". I was told that this club did in fact burn down and I believe is now where the gas offices used to be The Foleshill Club was dead opposite Parkstone Road, this moved to brand new premises on the other side of the Foleshill road. There used to be a big house with an orchard which was bought to build the club. I had been trying for ages to remember who owned this house and "downunder" in her thread on Parkstone Road remembers her friend Margaret Lee. We used to go scrumping in the orchard. I looked on Google earth an was amazed to see that the club had gone !! There is nothing there at all, isn't it worrying, this was a NEW club to me !! The Parkston workingmen's club was further up the Foleshill Road almost opposite King Georges Avenue, The original club was demolished and rebuilt on land the had bought next to it, again a big house in its own grounds. The area I grew up in around foleshill is so different now, I hardly recognised it on Google earth.
Memories and Nostalgia - Upper Foleshill (New Inn Bridge to The Parting of the Heaths)
combe martim
7 of 159  Tue 3rd Mar 2015 10:43am  

Hi Downunder, I'm glad you mentioned being friends with Margaret Lee. My wife comes from Perrivale, Middlesex and I was telling her of my illicit scrumping in their orchard but could not remember their name, Lee's orchard. Some more names for you to recall. Margaret Pearson, lived about No 9 Parkstone Road. my age and very pretty, went to work at the Co-op chemist just on the Foleshill Road. Clovis Wood, again same age as me lived the last house on your side of the road, then there was Pamela Thompson lived almost opposite you on the other side of the road She beat me up once!!
Memories and Nostalgia - Upper Foleshill (New Inn Bridge to The Parting of the Heaths)
Norman Conquest
8 of 159  Tue 3rd Mar 2015 11:50am  

J W....If you need to write a lengthy posting its best to do it on Word Pad then copy and paste..
Just old and knackered

Memories and Nostalgia - Upper Foleshill (New Inn Bridge to The Parting of the Heaths)
Rob Orland
Historic Coventry
9 of 159  Tue 3rd Mar 2015 8:01pm  

Regarding the fact that some internet connections are unreliable and always seem to cut off at the most inconvenient time (Angry), please bear in mind that regularly pressing the red "Preview message" button below the text-entry-box also acts as a "save" feature. And just to show faith in my little feature, I've just pressed that button and then closed down the Browser completely. When I switched back on and navigated back to the forum and came back to respond to this thread, I pressed the "Retrieve saved message" button on the right, and hey-presto - my message was returned into the box ready to continue typing! Thumbs up I hope regular pressing of that button will also save you a lot of time for future posts. Smile
Memories and Nostalgia - Upper Foleshill (New Inn Bridge to The Parting of the Heaths)
Queensland. Australia
10 of 159  Thu 5th Mar 2015 6:58am  

Hi Again The big White House belonged to the manager of the Gas Works before it was turned into a club. My Father after we lost Mum married Gladys Moss who owned the little shop in Benthall Road. Margaret Pearson was related to Enoch Pearson who lived in the house on the corner of Foleshill/Parkstone road, now gone. Do you remember the bomb site where the Brindley's house is now. One night it was there, then the bombs and next day just all rubble. We us to have good bonfire nights in the orchard, I can remember we scrumped gooseberries and did we pay for the next day. good old days. Marg
Memories and Nostalgia - Upper Foleshill (New Inn Bridge to The Parting of the Heaths)
Kaga simpson
Peacehaven, East Sussex
11 of 159  Thu 5th Mar 2015 7:40pm  

Would the big house have been Jack Lanchbury's, his sister was Sarah Rose (Lanchbury) lived in Parkstone Road, Sarah's sister was Ivy Blythe, mother of Janet and Barry Blythe. Sarah's son Jack Rose landed up in Perth in oz.
Memories and Nostalgia - Upper Foleshill (New Inn Bridge to The Parting of the Heaths)
Thread starter
12 of 159  Thu 5th Mar 2015 8:16pm  

Kaga simpson. My brother Allen Oldham did say that the Lanchbury's lived at the big house. June Lanchbury is on his school photo on page 2
Memories and Nostalgia - Upper Foleshill (New Inn Bridge to The Parting of the Heaths)
combe martim
13 of 159  Fri 6th Mar 2015 9:23am  

Hi Downunder. I do not remember the bomb site where the Brindley's house now stands, their house has always been there as far as I can remember. if that bomb had landed on the other side of the road, then I would not be here as we lived dead opposite ! The house at the top of Parkstone/Foleshill road was occupied by the Hollis's, Richard Hollis was a friend of mine, the house next door, I believe, was occupied by Alan, Vic, Angie and Bernard Brindley's granddad . I remember clearing the snow from all his paths with Alan, it took us all morning. The shop in Benthhall road on the corner of Ivor Road was a sweet shop owned by Mrs Webb, it was our favourite shop ! We also use to scrump those gooseberry's from the orchard, I remember exactly where the bushes were. Can you remember Beamans wood yard at the bottom of Parkstone on Clinton road? They used to let me collect my own sawdust and wood shavings for my rabbits, I bet with todays health and safety I would not be allowed now. Kaga Simpson mention a Sarah Rose who lived in Parkstone Road. our next door neighbours were named Rose, their son was Tony Rose, I used to send a Christmas card every year to Mrs Rose after I had left Coventry.
Memories and Nostalgia - Upper Foleshill (New Inn Bridge to The Parting of the Heaths)
Kaga simpson
Peacehaven, East Sussex
14 of 159  Fri 6th Mar 2015 8:19pm  

Hi, Parkstone Road people, my wife, Janet Blythe's best friend was Lynda Clegg, some of the names she knew from school was Robert Salmon, Terry Price, Carol Jones, Marilyn Goodenough, Pam Cotterell, and I believe my scoutmaster lived between the gas works and Elmsdale Ave. can't remember his name. We held our wedding reception in the Three Horseshoes pub, by the old tram depot. p.s My family lived on the other side of the cut in the house by the bridge in the 50/60s time.
Memories and Nostalgia - Upper Foleshill (New Inn Bridge to The Parting of the Heaths)
combe martim
15 of 159  Sat 7th Mar 2015 6:00am  

Hi Kaga Simpson. I can't remember all those people, but some do ring a distant bell [my memory is nowhere as sharp as yours] I do remember two though. Was that the Robert Salmon whose dad had a barbers shop on the Stoney Stanton Road just by the top of Profitt Avenue ? I used to have my hair cut by him. If that is the Terry Price who lived in Dovedale Avenue and would be in his early 70s by now, then he happens to be my cousin. I do remember the big house just over the New Inn bridge, I have forgotten their name but bet you know it, they had a tunnel which went half way under the Longford road. My friends dad, Mr Jack Oakley, played bowls for the Three Horseshoes pub, I remember they took great pride in their green. I had a few drinks in there when I was old enough.
Memories and Nostalgia - Upper Foleshill (New Inn Bridge to The Parting of the Heaths)

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