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From our Sunday School Days (Lift up our hearts)

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61 of 259  Thu 18th Feb 2021 10:17am  

Hey Mick, My dad came from a family of publicans. Grandad owned the Queens Hotel in Dumfries, whilst my gran owned the Globe in Dumfries. My mum was the daughter of a Methodist clergy family, so that made them metholated spirits.
Memories and Nostalgia - From our Sunday School Days (Lift up our hearts)
Mick Strong
62 of 259  Thu 18th Feb 2021 10:21am  

Mick Strong

Memories and Nostalgia - From our Sunday School Days (Lift up our hearts)
Mick Strong
63 of 259  Thu 18th Feb 2021 10:26am  

This has got me thinking now. My dad was a Coventry kid from a large family and my mum was from Stoke upon Trent. Didn't really know dad's parents much, grandad Strong died before I was born and grandma Strong lived with us in the early 50's until she passed away. Spent a lot of time in Stoke, but I can never remember any of my grandparents attending church at all.
Mick Strong

Memories and Nostalgia - From our Sunday School Days (Lift up our hearts)
Thread starter
64 of 259  Thu 18th Feb 2021 10:29am  

On 17th Feb 2021 7:36pm, JohnnieWalker said: I was taken to the Sunday School in Macdonald Road, just round the corner from home, when I was five years old. I quickly came to the conclusion that I wasn't interested in Bible stories and hymns, and walked out, never to return! Indoctrination, of any sort, wasn't for me, even at that age!
Hi Johnnie, Did you know the Richards family? Both sons went to King Henry prep school, the dad looked after Stoke Hill Guildhouse hostel. They lived in MacDonald Rd, before having a purpose built house on the estate. I remember MacDonald Rd, unadopted, with cobbles, no tarmac.
Memories and Nostalgia - From our Sunday School Days (Lift up our hearts)
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65 of 259  Thu 18th Feb 2021 2:15pm  

Thanks to everyone for keeping this kind of subject as an easy to read topic. So much in life we are pre-conditioned, who knows what my take would be if brought up in a far eastern type home. That's why I will never point fingers at anyone. A STORY. Are you sitting comfy! During my late teens, I was asked to play piano for a Coventry city centre youth meeting at the Sibree Hall. I was deputising for a lady pianist, a one time musician of the year calibre. I will show them, I thought. Over 400 youngsters, plus a huge festival choir. All went so well, I had practised until my fingers had bled. At the end, the Sunday school chorus "The Thank You Chorus" . Each verse went up in pitch a semitone. There are musical techniques for changing keys midstream, no problem for big-head me, until about the third verse there was screeching & coughing, so bad. There were still four verses to go. I then realised that I was putting each verse up a whole tone. Not a forgiving lot, 400 youngsters, as the event turned into a circus. Thank goodness it was the end. I did get over it, & was asked back several times after, but it was often a talking point.
Memories and Nostalgia - From our Sunday School Days (Lift up our hearts)
Sanctuary Point, Australia
66 of 259  Thu 18th Feb 2021 7:46pm  

On 18th Feb 2021 10:29am, PhiliPamInCoventry said: Hi Johnnie, Did you know the Richards family? Both sons went to King Henry prep school, the dad looked after Stoke Hill Guildhouse hostel. They lived in MacDonald Rd, before having a purpose built house on the estate. I remember MacDonald Rd, unadopted, with cobbles, no tarmac.
Hi Philip I don't think I knew the Richards family. I remember the two Wendies - Bull and Bray, and Richard Brock (who famously let us know early one Christmas Day that Santa had brought him a trumpet - and a loud one too! Lol) - all of whom were in my year at Ravensdale.
True Blue Coventry Kid

Memories and Nostalgia - From our Sunday School Days (Lift up our hearts)
Kevin D J D
67 of 259  Thu 18th Feb 2021 11:13pm  

I appear to be the odd one out here. I was born in 1950, my local church was Ss Mary & Benedict, 52A Raglan St, Coventry. To this day I am a practicing Catholic.
Memories and Nostalgia - From our Sunday School Days (Lift up our hearts)
Mick Strong
68 of 259  Fri 19th Feb 2021 9:26am  

Kevin, nothing odd about that. Well done!!!!!
Mick Strong

Memories and Nostalgia - From our Sunday School Days (Lift up our hearts)
Thread starter
69 of 259  Fri 19th Feb 2021 10:20am  

On 18th Feb 2021 11:13pm, Kevin D J D said: I appear to be the odd one out here. I was born in 1950, my local church was Ss Mary & Benedict, 52A Raglan St, Coventry. To this day I am a practicing Catholic.
Hi & thank you, Kevin & Mick. I agree. Whilst doing a job at Birmingham university campus, during a lunch break I walked along to the Birmingham Oratory, where even though I was only viewing, I was made most welcome. I had conversation with a cleric, that was a sheer delight. He knew his stuff.
Memories and Nostalgia - From our Sunday School Days (Lift up our hearts)
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70 of 259  Thu 11th Mar 2021 4:13pm  

Hi all, On paper, I believe that the Sunday Schools, as I knew them, were intended to be safe, secure places, with a moral take on life for youngsters. I'm intentionally leaving out any doctrinal or "religious" spin on this. I will tell you why. The original British Sunday School movement was actually started by Robert Raikes, to form a basic education for children that otherwise would have had no education whatsoever. Sundays happened to be the best day of the week for such children, who might otherwise have been cleaning chimneys. Me, having a faith, as most of you know, I would be expected to sing the praises of the Sunday Schools as I knew them. Me, often truanting from mine, I'm hardly the best example. With any organisation, history tells us that there are often bad apples. Our Met police force is in such a state now in our news headlines. What I do struggle with now, looking back at my Sunday School era, was the fiction, well intended it might have been. Growing up through the fifties & early sixties, I could easily be forgiven for waking up on a Monday morning, knowing that everything was on its way up, no more disease, hospitals would cure everything & so on & so on. Even I thought it was true, where at the age of fourteen, I could run around, free of the shackles of leg plasters & three times a week visits to Paybody clinic. It wasn't in my mind that in parts of the world there were huge conflicts, wars, issues of starvation & hate. The happy clappy image did not stack up. So for many years, my "religion" was my contributions to musical accompaniment. I spent as much time playing in pubs, theatres & amateur drama than in churches. Oh how I would love to give comfort to the family of our forum friend's family just now, as well as to each of our forum members who like me are sharing in the grief of his loss. No different to our forum team, the members that help conserve the civility of our forum, in fact I'm sure, the whole of our forum. My Pam was so poorly on Monday, I can't say the words, but you can all read between the lines. She's just a bit brighter today. I can never preach, that breaches every forum rule that I uphold. My lesson now in life is taking each day as it comes, being thankful that I'm still here & just wanting to be of help. God bless you all. Philip.
Memories and Nostalgia - From our Sunday School Days (Lift up our hearts)
Thread starter
71 of 259  Sun 28th Mar 2021 10:55am  

Hi all, My sunday schooling, when I was there, did give a sense of what I term moral fibre. I was upset regards the news item of a school that had been forced to apologise for the conduct of a member of staff. Why on earth do we cause insult. It's not a question, so much my minds frustration. We enter what many call Holy Week & what I would like to share with you, is simply what Scripture gives as an answer to that. "Some eat meat & some don't". Most religious folk have their festivals or pilgrimages. I'm reminded also that Scripture states that God looks at the state of our hearts to one another, not the badge that me might wear, or not wear for those of that persuasion. I'm not here to judge anyone on what they believe, that's His job! I do have my disciplined beliefs, right or wrong, or however much I breach those disciplines. Let me tell you, the day that I don't breach any, will be the first in my life. That's not a modesty vote catcher either. It's fact. What's more, Scripture confirms it in statement after statement. New Testament & old. I've mentioned some on other religious occasions, so will leave that there. I'm honoured, humbled & privileged to be permitted to share such thoughts with you, on our forum. I'm not doing it out of any hidden duty, or evangelical motive, as much as I may like too, (If that was my motive, I would say a lot more), it's because I love you all so much, those I may have offended in any post on any subject I'm truly sorry. We can't exist without one another. God bless. Philip. PS. I'm not a Vicar, a Priest, an Imam, or have any Holy Orders of any kind. I was never a Sunday School teacher. In fact my qualifications on such are zero. I'm a sinner, plain & simple. If anyone does have need to reply, please email. Such a subject can easily get out of hand or discussions distorted. Thank you.
Memories and Nostalgia - From our Sunday School Days (Lift up our hearts)
Kaga simpson
Peacehaven, East Sussex
72 of 259  Sun 28th Mar 2021 12:05pm  

There was a time in English history when the leading pope fell out with the English king, so the pope laid a interdict on England and Wales, all church services were suspended and remained so for six years and in the end the king was excommunicated.
Memories and Nostalgia - From our Sunday School Days (Lift up our hearts)
Thread starter
73 of 259  Sun 28th Mar 2021 12:34pm  

Hi & yes Kaga, Lots of events have taken place in the world with folks wearing a religious badge. My faith is part of the protestant group, yet I'm ashamed of some of the historical events. Only in my opinion, but awful events, like the so called crusades, that I believe were more political in motive, not souls. When I'm posting these religious thoughts, I'm doing so from my logic. That's the line that I draw, which prevents me from preaching, which would be entirely wrong on our forum, not only against the rules that I believe to be good & correct, but simply, folk would just switch off. The Easter story in Scripture has a lot of mob-culture, as well as dictators. It's also drenched in cultural divides. Look at the text that I posted. "Some eat meat & Some don't" . That was two thousand years ago. What speaks volumes about its authenticity, I saw during my working life, leave alone any other time, the middle ages included. Just one local factual historically recorded example. At the GEC, in Helen St, in Coventry, production was split into lines, not only between religious groups, but between those that ate meat & those that didn't. There were divides not only between meat eaters & those that didn't, but between those that wouldn't touch a particular kind of meat. Today, the Royal Mint was required to re-engineer it's pound note production because of material content. Some groups fear the content of vaccination material as I'm typing this. I'm no cleverdick. I just see what does & doesn't stack up, or at least try to. Thank you for your respectful comment.
Memories and Nostalgia - From our Sunday School Days (Lift up our hearts)
Thread starter
74 of 259  Sun 28th Mar 2021 12:53pm  

A LITTLE WORD REGARDS RESPECT. We/I can all have in our minds eye, historical events. Yes, historical & factual. My Pam is possibly enduring the last chapter of her life here at home. We still enjoy banter, she recalling some of the silly things that I have done, as well as being self critical of what she says are her failings. Yes it's banter, a few smiles & even laughter. I would never dream now of raking up anything fact of not, as an insult to her when she has enough to cope with. That's the line that is a line that I cannot cross. So it is on our forum, no matter the subject, but particularly on this topic where people's feelings matter so deeply. Thank you.
Memories and Nostalgia - From our Sunday School Days (Lift up our hearts)
Thread starter
75 of 259  Tue 25th May 2021 6:38pm  

Hi all, It's come to my attention that someone else who reads our forum regularly is going through the mill with a partner's very serious illness. Whenever I was out & about & discovered a fabulous restaurant somewhere, the first thing I wanted to do was share where I had been, obviously with Pam, who at present is hardly eating a morsel. That's my motive for sharing anything that smacks of religion or faith, it's not for any kind of indoctrination, as I firmly believe that is entirely wrong, whether on this website or any other. I love reading the experiences shared on this thread, as it demonstrates folk's positives as well as disappointments. At this point in time, we are between two events in the Christian calendar, Ascension & Whitsun. Both of which until relatively recently I have never really understood the significance. It's always just been a name on a calendar & a bank holiday. The odd thing is, me with my Sunday school upbringing, I can never remember it being mentioned in Sunday school, maybe they were fearful. I hate religious divides of any kind. If my neighbour doesn't believe in God, scripture tells me (not anyone else) to love them. If my neighbour has a different belief, but believes in God, I'm to love them just the same. Our membership show love to one another, that is so sweet, whether you have a faith belief or not. I do appreciate that, more now than ever, which I hope that our friend going through the mill now also feels that same warmth. Ascension was the promise given by Christ that He would give us a Comforter. All manner of different names are given, but let me express that I honestly believe that is what is upholding me now. Whitsun, or Pentecost, is the arrival of that comforter. That's basically what Ascension & Whitsun are as events, as I understand them. If any of you that I know nothing about are going through the mill, may you be comforted, as indeed I am. Love to you all.
Memories and Nostalgia - From our Sunday School Days (Lift up our hearts)

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