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Coventry businesses 1896

Compiled by Anne Williscroft from the book "Coventry Up To Date - Views and Reviews"

Company NameType of BusinessAddressesYear
Adams, JohnWatch ManufacturerHertford Terrace, Queen's Road 
Adkins and SonsWatch Manufacturer29 Fleet Street 
Astley and Sons Ltd 4 Broadgate, Warehouse :- 11, 14½ & 17½ Butcher Row, Ropery :- Old Tower Yard, Hales Street, Tent & Sheet Factory :- Much Park Street1730
Atkinson's Limited, The City MaltingsBrewers and MaltstersCox Street 
Auto Machinery Limited, The Read Street 
Bates and DaltonElastic Web ManufacturersSouth Street Mills1880
Beeston Pneumatic Tyre Co., Limited Garfield Road and Fleet Street and Cotton Mill, Foleshill Road1893
Beeston Tyre Rim Co., LimitedRim ManufacturersGrey Friars Lane and Spon Street1888
Bennett Cotton and Co., LimitedCycle Manufacturers 1892
Bethell, T. B. and Co.Elastic Web ManufacturersFoleshillc1875
Bonniksen, B.Watch Manufacturer16 Norfolk Street1892
Brett and Co., LimitedManufactuers of Stampings 1891
British Motor Syndicate Limited Foleshill Road, adjacent to the Coventry and Birmingham Canal. Building known locally as the "Cotton Mills" 
Brookes, L. and Co.File ManufacturersLittle South Street 
Burbidge, H.Wood Turner31 Hertford Street, Works:- Queen Victoria Road previously West Orchard 
Cash, J. and J. LimitedManufacturers of FrillingsWarehouse :- Hertford Street, Works:- Kingfield Road 
Clarke, W. R.Woollen ManufacturersParadise Mills, Foleshill 
Clark, Cluley and Co.Cycle ManufacturersWell Street1888
Clements and BurtonAuctioneers etc.58 and 59 Hertford Street 
College House School (Mrs. Newsome) Holyhead Road 
Collins, D. E. and Co.Wine and Spirit MerchantsPriory Row 
Coronet Cycle CompanyCycle ManufacturersChapel Fields, formerly occupied by Mr. Philip Cohen, watch manufacturer1896
Coventry Carpet Beating Company Priory Street 
Coventry Cross Cycle Co., Limited (Warman and Hazlewood, Limited)Cycle ManufacturersHead Offce:- Foleshill Road, Works:- Albion Mills, West Orchard and Foleshill Roadc1876
Coventry Machinists' CompanyCycle ManufacturersLittle Park Street, previously King Streetc1867
Coventry Savings Bank Hertford Street 
Cramp, JamesRibbon ManufacturerHeadquarters :- Earl Street, Factory Much Park StreetFounded in 1880 and then James Cramp 1895
Curtis and BeamishPrinters etc.Burges then Hertford Street1863
Dubock Jones and Co.Elastic Web ManufacturersWellington Streetc1870
Franklin, G. CareyRibbon Manufacturer19, 20 and 21 Earl Street1883
Franklin, W.Ribbon ManufacturerBayley Lane1860
Gormully and JefferyTyre ManufacturersWarehouse near the Railway Station1891
Grant, W. H. and Co.Woollen ManufacturersWorks :- Livingstone Mill, Head Office :- Foleshill 
Hall ASanitary Engineer, Stove Manufacturer, etc.Cox Street 
Hammerton, H.DyerHill Top, then Park Street 
Harrington, Latham and Co.Tubular Bell ManufacturersThe Butts 
Hawley, John and SonWatch ManufacturerReliable Works, Cow Lane1857
Herbert, Alfred Herbert LimitedEngineers  
Hewitt and SonWatch ManufacturerHolyhead Road1853
Hill, C. J. and Co.Watch ManufacturerRussell House1815
Hinds and Co.Mineral Water ManufacturersHales Street 
Hodgkiss Mayo and MeekCycle ManufacturersHill Cross Works1890
Hughes, A. and Co.Wine MerchantsHertford Street1792
Humber Cycle Co., Limited, The  1886
Humphries and Co.CoachbuildersBishop Street1879
Johnson and MasonWine MerchantsBroad Gate and Pepper Lane, then Hertford Buildings previously occupied by Messrs Wyley & Co., Chemical Manufacturers 
Kinder, Thomas and SonWatch ManufacturerRichmond Terrace, Chapel Fieldsc1856
Lea and FrancisCycle ManufacturersLower Ford Street1895
Leigh Mills Co., Limited, TheCloth ManufacturersLeigh Mills1863
Lester Harris and Co.ManufacturersFoleshill thn 1890 Great Heath Works, Foleshill Road1880
Liggins and Co.Trimming Manufacturers12 and 13 White Friars Lane1877
Lloyds Bank Limited   
London and Midland Bank, Limited High Street/Little Park Street 
Marston, J. and H.Watch Manufacturer164 Spon Street1806
Masters, J. and SonsWatch Manufacturer65 St John Street1874
Middlemore, W.Cycle Saddle ManufacturerBayley's Buidings 
Midland Daily Telegraph  1891
Monk, W.Elastic Web ManufacturersVernon Street then Nelson Street in c1882c1878
Mousell Bros.Removal ContractorsWindsor Street, Leamington Spa 
Palmer Tyre Co., Limited, The 51 Hertford Street1893
Payne and Co., The Godiva Engineering Co.Manufacturers of gas and oil enginesCastle Street1891
Peirson and SonChartered Accountants17 Hertford Street1880
Perkins, Joshua and SonsManufacturer of Coach TrimmingsBritannia Mills, Payne's LaneBusiness commenced in 1846, moved to Coventry 1864
Perkins and SonsNurserymen and FloristsWarwick Road 
Peters, S. and SonCoal MerchantFord Street and Leicester Streetc1866
Player, J. and SonWatch ManufacturerButt's Lane1858
Pneumatic Tyre Co. Limited., The   
Premier Cycle Co., Limited (Hillman Herbert & Cooper Limited) Read Street/South Street1875
Pridmore and Co.Elastic Web ManufacturersFoleshill Mills1859
Priory Hill School (Hammerton, Mr.) Priory Hill, Wolston 
Quadrant School, The (Miss Hales) Near the railway station 
Quinton Cycle Co., Limited, The Short distance from the Railway Station1891
Read, A. H.Watch ManufacturerHill Street1871
Read, CharlesWatch Manufacturer28 Lord Street, Chapel Fieldsc1856
Rudge-Whitworth Cycle Co., Limited, The Rudge works, Spon Street and Cow LaneRudge and Whitworth amalgamated 1894
Seaman AubreyTimber MerchantFoleshill Road1886
Shaffir, J. H. and CoCycle ManufacturersHertford Street1895
Sills and Co. (Taylors Proprietors)PlatersLittle Park Street1882
Simpson, J.Warehouseman5 to 12 Earl Streetc1856
Singer, G. and Co., LimitedCycle Manufacturers 1874
Slingsby, W. and C.Grocers, etc.5 BroadgateBefore 1780
Smith and SonsWatchmakersHearsall Works1846
Starley Bros.Cycle ManufacturersSt John's Works1876
Starley, J. K. and Co. LimitedCycle ManufacturersMeteor Works, West Orchard and Victoria Mills1878
Taylor, G. L.Monumental MasonsGosford Bridge1863
Townend Bros. LimitedCycle ManufacturersWellington Street then Ford Street then Paynes Lane / Gosford Street.1871
Triumph Cycle Co., Limited, The Much Park Street, then Priory Street 
Turner, W. B. and SonCycle ManufacturersNational Works, Spon Streetc1895
Wackrill, H. N.Hosier and OutfitterBroadgate and Hertford Street 
Waddington, R.Watch ManufacturerEarlsdon 
Waters and Co.Wine and Spirit MerchantsHigh Street 
White and SonWatch ManufacturerEarlsdon 
Whitehouse, D.Pattern Maker18 King Street 
Whittindale, Dyer and WatsonAuctioneers28, 29 and 30 Hertford Street 
Wilkins and WebsterBrick MakersStoney Stanton Road 

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