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Cycle Speedway

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Sutton Coldfield
46 of 51  Sun 17th Apr 2016 6:51pm  

The track at Spencer Park has already been mentioned earlier in the thread. It was on the far side from Spencer Avenue, near the railway embankment. It was one that we would go and ride occasionally during school holidays. We spent many days at the various tracks, and even had our own portable elasticated starting gate to take with us. Our usual haunts were Brandon, Hearsall Common and Whitley Common but we did go to Spencer Park and one or two others occasionally. Our preferred one was Brandon as it was a small, tight track for close racing, whereas Whitley was quite large and seemed to be more an endurance race.
Sport, Music and Leisure - Cycle Speedway
Mr Blue Sky
Abingdon, Oxfordshire
47 of 51  Wed 20th Apr 2016 8:41pm  

On 2nd Apr 2016 9:45am, walrus said: In the early 60s a group of lads formed a cycle speedway team in Courthouse Green. They turned up one day at the fields we used to play on, the land on Bell Green Road between Nuffield Road and Sewall Highway, and started digging until they had formed an oval dirt track, banked up on the perimeter. I watched a meet there against Coventry Eagles. I've found a mention of Courthouse Cobras and also Courthouse Cobbers on a cycle speedway site and I'm assuming that gang of lads were the Cobras/Cobbers. Amazing to think now that it used to be possible to go out and find enough bits to put together a useable bike. Character building.
I used to watch the Courthouse Cobbers in the early 1950's, I also have copy of a aerial photo of Courthouse Green taken by the RAF on the 9th of June 1953 which shows the cycle track, most of the cycles had cow horn handle bars. One meeting of the Cobbers v The Red House Lions would draw a big crowd, Mr Fenton in Tackford Road had two sons who rode for the Cobbers would run a very long garden hose to the edge of the track from his back garden and douse the riders in the last heat. Any forum members interested in the aerial photo can obtain a copy from The National Monument Records in Swindon film no sop/225 frame no vp4 0118.
Sport, Music and Leisure - Cycle Speedway
48 of 51  Wed 8th Mar 2017 11:49am  

First 2017 home match due on 12th March.
Sport, Music and Leisure - Cycle Speedway
49 of 51  Thu 9th Mar 2017 1:15pm  

Coundon 12. Hi Dave, long time no speak. Just noticed your post from way back and saw the cycle speedway message where we use to ride with the late Les Owen. Also fond memories of the Gaumont on a Saturday morning then walking to the bakery at Hilltop, buying a small but still warm loaf, scooping out the middle and then walking to Fishy Moore's and filling the carcase with chips to eat on the number 5 bus going home. Drop me a line MATE. I have looked for you for ages on all sorts of social media sites to no avail. Mick
Sport, Music and Leisure - Cycle Speedway
perth w.a.
50 of 51  Fri 10th Mar 2017 1:22pm  

Hi. I rode for the Devon Witches, we had quite a good set of lads running the team & a good track rear of the Devonshire Arms pub, Wyken. From memory we would cut the frame & lower the saddle & we would often swap cogs to get a different gearing for the track of the might. We were not allowed to have: mudguards, gears, rat trap pedals, brakes or fixed wheel cogs, so braking was either a "broggi" or your shoe on the front tyre! Bikes were taken over town by riding one handed with your left hand on the handlebars of your "tracker". I remember the Standard had a good track & team. Ride on!!
john dearsley

Sport, Music and Leisure - Cycle Speedway
51 of 51  Sun 17th Sep 2017 10:20am  

Sport, Music and Leisure - Cycle Speedway

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