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St Mark's School

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North Wales
1 of 11  Wed 11th Sep 2013 4:15pm  

On 8th Apr 2013 4:13pm, Midland Red said: I'd be very grateful if anyone could tell me whereabouts no.59 Stoney Stanton Road was - family history query Thumbs up
My school mate (back in 1949 when I was 10 years old) lived at number 62. This was midway between the traffic lights at Harnall Lane and Howard Street, opposite Birds bread shop where we used to go to buy penny cakes (left-overs from the day before). The school friend that I refer to was Brian Patchett. At the age of 11 we both went our separate ways but I later learned that he had learned to speak Russian, joined the RAF and then defected to Russia! Oh my

Schools and Education - St Mark's School
2 of 11  Fri 13th Sep 2013 12:11pm  

I've just been reading about Brian Patchett having read your message 'scribe'. There's some interesting notes here. I wonder what happened to him ?
Schools and Education - St Mark's School
North Wales
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3 of 11  Sun 20th Oct 2013 9:08pm  

Thanks for that M, it made really fascinating reading, I am most grateful to you. I am having to dredge through memories from some 64 years ago but I remember that Brian Patchett had two sisters, a younger one... I think her name was Jill and an older one named Robyn (or it may well have been the other way round). I remember his father always struck me as being 'a bit odd', it appeared to me that he permanently wore a flat cap in or out of the house, and there is one memory in particular that has stuck in my mind. I can't remember where Brian was at the time, but I was standing on the back doorstep of his house talking to his father who was outside, he very casually, without pausing in his speech, yanked a rabbit out of its hutch and 'pulled' its neck. I was so shocked I don't remember what was said or done after that!!! Brian and I were both pupils at St. Mark's C of E School on Stoney Stanton Road... I don't believe it's there any more. Other pupils that I can remember from that time are Gordon Gore (Castle St), Jimmy Garrett (Eagle St), Minnie Nash, Denise Redmond (Drapers Field), Christine Brearly, Brian Smith (George St), Eric Myers (George St), Sally Powell, Eric Pickering, Myrnah Bassett, Christine & Cynthia Keeling (Leicester Causeway), Mavis Watkins, Bob Wilson, Madeline Cutner, John Alfred, Christine Welch, Delma Payne, Barbara Whale (George St) and Ida Hutt. The Headmaster at St Marks was Mr Jex and my teachers were Mrs Cindell, Mrs Innesley, Mr Hill, Mr Thrift and finally Mrs Jones. Other teachers at the school were Mrs Walford and Mrs Evans.

Schools and Education - St Mark's School
Leamington Spa
4 of 11  Thu 23rd Jan 2014 10:33pm  

I attended St Marks from 1959 to 1966, Mrs Cindell was my first teacher, can't remember the Headmasters name, think it was Mr Mason? I enjoyed my time there, I also remember the school being damaged by fire when I was there. Most children were from local streets off Stoney Stanton Road, I lived in the city centre (Chauntry Place). Also remember a teacher called Mrs McIntosh, who was quite strict, got my knuckles rapped with the ruler one day, can't remember why, Mrs Cindell used to keep a cricket bat behind her desk, which she threatened to use on us, but I don't think she ever did! Apart from all that it was a very happy school - had many happy days there.
Schools and Education - St Mark's School
5 of 11  Fri 24th Jan 2014 9:35am  

Hello & welcome to you Sandra1954 Wave Thank you for your post. Thumbs up
Schools and Education - St Mark's School
6 of 11  Fri 24th Jan 2014 11:02am  

Not sure if this is the area you're on about, image from Britain from above
Schools and Education - St Mark's School
7 of 11  Fri 24th Jan 2014 11:32am  

I also went to St Marks School, I think the year would have been about 1952/53. I'm not 100% sure but I think Mrs Cindell was my teacher. I do clearly remember the coke fires in the middle of each classroom for heat in the winter.
Schools and Education - St Mark's School
North Wales
Thread starter
8 of 11  Sun 18th May 2014 7:29pm  

Hi Sandra1954 My time at St Mark's was a bit before yours. But my first teacher was also Mrs Cindell, and that was way back in 1945. The Headmaster was Mr Jex. I then moved to Mrs Innesley's class (I ran away almost every day that I was in her class, they used to chain up the school gates but I used to climb onto the milk crates and hop over the wall). After that I was taught by Mr Hill and Mr Thrift and finally Mrs Jones. Apart from the one year I enjoyed my time there very much. A few of the pupils that I can remember were Denise Redmond, Minnie Nash, Jimmy Garrett, Barbara Whale, Eric Myers, John Brown, Gordon Gore, Christine Brierly, Sally Powell, Madeleine Cutner, John Alfred, Ida Hutt, Christine and Cynthia Keeling and of course Brian Patchett. There were many more that I can visualise but can't remember their names.

Schools and Education - St Mark's School
9 of 11  Tue 10th Mar 2015 10:06pm  

On 13th Sep 2013 12:11pm, mn757 said: I've just been reading about Brian Patchett having read your message 'scribe'. There's some interesting notes here. I wonder what happened to him ?
I am not clear who wrote the notes attached to your post mn757 but I believe there are errors in the small part of it which I do know something about. The errors that I believe to exist do not in themselves make much difference to the analysis of the Brian Patchett affair but they do somewhat reduce confidence one has in the accuracy of the rest of the notes. As far as I am aware there was never a Labour MP called John Godber and there certainly was never a War Minister with that name. However there was a Conservative MP called Joseph Godber who was Secretary of State for War from 27 June 1963 to 21 October 1963. This was one of many positions he held during his 28 years as an MP. At this time Reginald Maudling was not a Shadow Minister in the opposition but the serving Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Government of Harold MacMillan. I do not suggest that the exchange in the House of Commons referred to did not happen but it was not between the people holding the positions stated.
Schools and Education - St Mark's School
10 of 11  Wed 12th Jul 2017 10:19am  

Does anyone have an image of St Marks?
Schools and Education - St Mark's School
11 of 11  Thu 27th Sep 2018 9:25pm  

May be more suitable elsewhere but I'm finally able to respond to my own question - only took a year and a bit - I must be slacking!
Schools and Education - St Mark's School

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